Windows 7 help needed

Discussion in 'Software' started by Anon-469e6fb48c, Mar 28, 2015.

  1. Anon-469e6fb48c

    Anon-469e6fb48c Anonymized

    Ok I have never really done this much.

    But the thing I want to do is make a administrator account for my self only.

    But the idea I have is this is not my laptop.

    I would like to make a administrator account and only have my account affected to any changes I make to play games.

    This is my moms laptop.

    I do not want to mess with any of her settings she has.

    Just my own.

    I am computer savvy so use all the techno babble you want on me.

    By the way I do know how make a admin account.But the idea here is to restrict one from the other if you get my meaning.I have plenty of space 500GB hard drive to do what ever till I move into my own place soon.
  2. theefool

    theefool Geekified

    From command line possibly with admin privileges:

    net user username password /add
    net localgroup administrators username /add

    I would go powershell, but I'll stop here. Powershell does make things easier in an AD environment, but not with local accounts, as seen here:

    And you did say techno babble. :major

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