Modem to modem network ??

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by ACE 256, Nov 23, 2005.

  1. ACE 256

    ACE 256 MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Overclocking Expe

    Ok im a complete noob when it comes to networking....Is it passable to use 2 modems to network 2 PCs ? If so how fast whould it be.. fast enough to game across ???? Runing a network cable the distance i need isent feasable but thare allready is a phone line running betwean it would be really nice if we can use it instead...Both systems are running XP pro....Ty for any help...
  2. Colemanguy

    Colemanguy MajorGeek

    Its possible, google for null modem cable, but it would be like playing online at 56k.
  3. dedub

    dedub Corporal

    Im assuming your asking if you can use 2 Phone type modems for telephone lines. The answer is no (I think) I have tried but the problem is you need that 90v or so that the phone line provides to even activate the dialing sequence bla bla bla. You can use a Null modem cable like Coleman guy suggested but that is for your 9 pin serial port, its also possible to nullmodem two Parallel ports. A little faster but not worth the effort. If its gaming you want to do between two computers then incorporating two Network cards is the ticket. If one or neither of the computers do not have network cards then you could purchase them fairly cheap at any store. They come in many configurations, USB, PCI, PCMCIA in wired and wireless. The only other hardwire required is a crossover cable. You could purchase a cheap switch (recommended) to put inbetween the two computers, especially if you plan on expanding to other computers.
    good luck
  4. ACE 256

    ACE 256 MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Overclocking Expe

    I have network cards and all but i have no way of getting a network cable that long...I know its posable to network 2 PCs using only a phone line and 2 56K modems iv seen it done but i have no clue how to do it....
  5. dedub

    dedub Corporal

    I this while you both are online? How far exactly is the distance?
  6. ACE 256

    ACE 256 MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Overclocking Expe

    No neather of us will be online but id like it settup so eather one of us can dial out and surf too ( one at a time of corse) i just whant to play games with my brother.. his system is upstars and mine is whould be a real pain to run a network cable all that way...
  7. dedub

    dedub Corporal

    Sorry ACE, Ive been networking for a while and have never heard of 56k modems going point to point though I learn something every day. If you find a website or get advice on how its done I would like to see it. Like I said though I have tried tirelessly and came up short. If you decide to go with Cat-5 (network cable) you can run it 100 Meters (330 feet) or so, that is the industry standard
  8. ACE 256

    ACE 256 MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Overclocking Expe

    Oh well thanks for trying... i know its posable thow i have a freind that set up a network from my system to his system with two 56K modems ( thow thay only connected at 33.6 )... he moved and hasent been on aim in a while.. looks like im ganna be running cat 5 cable :(.......
  9. Groove

    Groove Private E-2

    don't fret, cat-5 is so much easier than trying to figure out how to set it up via modem2modem, and the speed benefits you'll get from it I'm sure you'll appreciate without a doubt :) Just make sure the cat-5 cable you get is a "crossover" if you're connecting directly to eachother.
  10. dedub

    dedub Corporal

    You know after thinking about it for a day I remembered a way you could do what you want to do, modem to modem and the answer was right in front of my face. All you have to do is set up the receiving computer for incoming connections on the 56k modem. Though it is not peer to peer and you have to have both computers on a differnet phone line. What you will do is use widows to create a connection using Windows 'Create a new connection wizard' and set up your dialing sequence on the 56k Modem to dial the other phone # the computer is on. The other computer will go through the same process but set up an incoming connection to auto answer. Windows will assign IP's to both during connection using APIPA. Thats where Windows will give is a 169.254.X.X IP scheme. Now that both computers are connected (through the telephone company) you can game at about 33.6 or better.

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