Recovering Windows7 Admin Login Password

Discussion in 'Software' started by BVM, Jan 29, 2013.

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  1. BVM

    BVM Private E-2


    i've 3 accounts, two are admin, and the other one a standard account.
    i was changing the password of one of the admin account using
    net user * command.
    after the changes, i couldn't access both admin accounts. i tried both the old and new passwords without success. unfortunately i don't have a password reset disk

    i have access to the user account instead.

    any ideas pls..

  2. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

  3. Ravenous

    Ravenous Private E-2

    I have a similar situation and have tried to reset the password through the CMD prompt using the 'net user' command.

    The only two accounts that show up are Administrator and Guest. When I enter a new password for Administrator, I get 'The command completed successfully' then go to enter the new password on the log in screen and still says 'The username or password is incorrect' I've tried it a few times and I get the same results.

    Any help is appreciated.
  4. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    When threads like this come up they usually get locked
    How do we know anyone on this forum owns the computer they are using?
  5. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Yes, I noticed your childish comment.

    Don't like the rules? We aren't keeping you here.

    Anyway, closed.
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