LCD TV Screen Burn/Clouding Fix

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by superstar, Dec 2, 2013.

  1. superstar

    superstar Major-Superstar

    Long time no see guys!

    I've got a problem, one that I'm not an expert on. Basically I have a big LCD tv made by LG that I got back in 2009. It's worked absolutely fine over the years. I've never had a problem with it until now. Whenever it would get dirty I would often see dust buildup very lightly every four months. I'd wipe it away with a store bought LCD tv screen cleaner liquid and a clean microfiber cloth. Same deal every four months until...

    Lately I've been having sleeping problems. So I decided to make use of the aquarium channel on my HD cable box. Basically it's a channel that shows a live aquarium with water flow noise all day long. Mind you I know about screen burn in. But I didn't think it would be a problem to leave the channel on while I slept this past month. Because the channel goes fully black every 15/20 mins.

    Then came the day a week ago where I was watching a movie and noticed what looked to be very clouded areas on the tv. Almost like dark smudges... I figured it was dirty so I went ahead and cleaned it. That didn't remove anything, so I cleaned it again. Only to realize its not dirt, it's clouded areas of darkness on different parts of the screen. I believe that even though the aquarium channel (which I would let run it's course for 7/8 hours every night this past month), has probably caused some sort of clouding/burn in because some parts of the aquarium were black. By that I mean the fake reefs in the aquarium which were never really lit up, so when the screen would automatically go fully black every once in a while that probably didn't help at all because some areas were always dark.

    Is there anyway for me to fix this without using software? At worst case I'll use software, I just hate installing new stuff. Anyways I've seen some screen burn in videos on YouTube that flicker colors or black and white for hours or less time. I have no idea if that works. I also saw a guy on Youtube say you should hold a cold ice pack in a cloth against the dark areas of the screen and comments swear it fixes it.

    Please advise me as to which is best. I feel like using one of the burn in color videos on YouTube but need your advice before I go ahead with that. In case it makes things worse.

    Thanks + Happy holidays
  2. Puppywunder58

    Puppywunder58 Master Sergeant

    At the top of your TV you'll notice air vents to allow heat to escape from the CFL's (Compact Florescent Lamps) used to light your screen.

    I suppose it would be possible for dust or dirt to fall into the TV between the CFL's and the LCD's causing the clouded areas you're seeing.

    You might want to take your TV to a technician and have them disassemble your TV and clean the inside of it to see if that's the cause.
  3. superstar

    superstar Major-Superstar

    Interesting... It's plausible but I do vacuum those vents every few months or so. I have never seen a heavy amount of dust build up there. I forgot to mention that ever since I stopped watching that aquarium channel the clouded spots began to subside a bit (not as noticeable as before but still there). I just ran this 2 hr color scheme intended to fix burn in which you can see here:

    I didn't see a major change thereafter but then again I'm not so sure since I turned it off and unplugged the tv right after. Just because I read online that sometimes cutting off power for a while can help. I also read somewhere that a little pressure can help too using a microfiber cloth.

    I'm still open to other solutions.

  4. Digerati

    Digerati Major Geek Extraordinaire

    I don't think pressure beyond that needed for cleaning is a good idea.

    Others have had good results following the procedures shown here.
  5. superstar

    superstar Major-Superstar

    I actually ended up doing the cold method on my screen seen here:

    I can concur that it works! Putting a cold piece of ice in a bag,
    wrapped in a cloth against the screen does take away the shadows.
    It's all like 80% gone. Basically you turn the tv on for 15 mins then
    apply the bag of flat ice on the screen for ten seconds on the areas
    affected, then look, apply again if still warranted. I wrapped up
    the ice in a ziploc then cloth. It supposedly makes the film behind
    the lcd contract. Because it supposedly gets stuck/wrinkled behind
    the lcd screen due to overuse/heating. I don't know, watch the short
    video he explains it. It does work but I still have more areas to go
    over some more. I hope this doesn't create a future damage that is
    yet to come.
  6. Digerati

    Digerati Major Geek Extraordinaire

    I don't see how it can do any harm, as long as you don't scratch or apply too much pressure. A clean "microfiber" cloth between the frozen "bacon", bag of peas or ice would be best. Obviously, if his explanation is true - that the film "wrinkles" - this is not a "burn in" problem. Most of the information I have found on this type problem is that the film separates from the adjacent layers a bit and then warps, distorting the image in that area. It is typically due to a manufacturing defect, or physical damage/abuse in the home or during shipping. I just don't see there being enough room between those layers to allow it to "wrinkle" - which suggest to me a "crease" in the material, as though it became pinched or folded. So semantics, maybe, but I'm going with warping or separation causing the "viewing angle" of the film in that area to be off or out of alignment, causing the unwanted visual effect.

    Nevertheless, it is unwanted and would certainly bum me out to see that - especially if it detracts when watching TV or a movie - and especially since I am sure it would not present itself until the day after the warranty expired. rolleyes

    I am glad it worked for you but frankly, I don't think you should get your hopes up too much and expect the fix to last very long. :( I hope I'm wrong.

    I think this video more accurately reflects the norm.

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