Refugee idea?

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by DOA, Aug 7, 2015.

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  1. DOA

    DOA MG's Loki

    I know some here would do like me and die defending my country. But not everyone can. Maybe we just need to arm the refugees and send them back. That would give them a chance.
    If they don't want to fight for their country do you really want them in yours?
  2. Sgt. Tibbs

    Sgt. Tibbs Ultra Geek

    Wait... Your idea is that people who are willing to risk everything to leave their country of origin should be armed, and then forced back to that country to fight...who, exactly?

    You do realize that if everyone who left their home country for another to make a new life were forced to do that, then virtually no one in the United States would live here in order to be willing to die defending it, right? Heck, a fair portion of the US doesn't even live in the same state to which they were born, and our states are larger than a great number of countries.
  3. DOA

    DOA MG's Loki

    What part of refugee vs immigrant is hard for you?
  4. oma

    oma MajorGeek

    Many of the refugees are women and children. You want them to go back and fight as well?
  5. Sgt. Tibbs

    Sgt. Tibbs Ultra Geek

    Neither part. Do you think every single person who came to the US to start over was an official immigrant?

    A refugee, by definition, seeks another country in which to live because their country has become unlivable for them. Typically they have nothing, sometimes not even including the clothes on their backs, because their original country has taken everything away. You're going to hand them a gun and ship them back to fight? They have no training. They have no means of support. They have no food, no money, no shelter. But by god, we'll just arm them and ship them back to fight it out among themselves, and all will be tea and roses?
  6. DOA

    DOA MG's Loki

    OK, I assume you have a better idea than feed, clothe, arm them and give some training. Hopefully they want their country back.

    If refugees came to your town what do you want done? How long will you pay for whatever action you decide? What will happen when you run out of money like Greece? When your nation's language changes and you are a minority in your own country will you feel the same?

    Nothing wrong with women fighting, mothers should be excepted as well as children.

    Nigeria has 173M people, Greece has 11M, Syria 22M as of 2013,
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2015
  7. Sgt. Tibbs

    Sgt. Tibbs Ultra Geek

    Refugees have come to my town repeatedly over the years. Jews and other European refugees during WWII, refugees during the Vietnam era, Lost Boys of Sudan, etc. We've taken them in. We've given them support until they can get on their feet. We've learned their languages, as they have learned ours.

    By "your nation's language", I assume you mean English since I live in the US, but the US has no official language so your point is moot.

    What will happen when we run out of money? Odds are we'll find out, just like Greece is finding out. How long will I pay for an action I decide is right? As long as it is humanly possible, or until a fair majority in a democratic election changes the policy. And then I will continue to donate to private charities as I have always done in support of what I feel is right.

    You're right, there is nothing wrong with women fighting. But if you're going to exempt women purely because they have children, then those same rules need to apply to men as well. Any PARENT should be exempted from fighting. Oh, I see... that means there won't be enough folks to fight? Well then, so much for equality. How about we let each individual person decide if they can or should fight? Wait...sounds exactly like how military service already works here in the US. Should we have a different standard for refugees, purely because they haven't yet become US citizens? Seems pretty ridiculous to me. Why should we get to sit here in our comfortable homes with our comfortable incomes and our plenty of food to eat and decide for someone else what they should or should not be allowed to do, when, and with whom?

    If they want their country back, then more power to them! If what we decide as a democratic society is to feed, clothe, arm, and train them (all of which except arming you left out of your original idea, by the way), then we should do that! If they "want their country back", then they will be willing to fight for it. However, what if they do not? What if they are simply done with their country and its thousands of years of oppression? Can we not accept them as our forebears were also accepted? If we cannot, then we should all also leave, since unless you are 100% American Indian you cannot claim your family did not leave a country they were willing to fight to keep.
  8. DOA

    DOA MG's Loki

    I am only 1/4 Pueblo, but I have learned from their history as we all should.

    "Why should we get to sit here in our comfortable homes with our comfortable incomes and our plenty of food to eat and decide for someone else what they should or should not be allowed to do, when, and with whom?"
    If you cannot answer this you probably don't belong in a "Democratic" Capitalist nation. The US was made what it is on Capitalism, for all its faults, it works. Socialism works too, but only in small homogeneous societies. Usually Socialism devolves into some other form of government. We get to sit here in our comfort because we earn and defend it. We can choose to help or not help, we have that freedom.

    I am still waiting for what you think should be done when the relief money runs out.
  9. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    I think we should just simply secure the borders, then work from there.
  10. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Discussion was doomed from the start.

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