Can't think of an appropriate one....

Discussion in 'Software' started by Lev, Jan 23, 2007.

  1. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    Wasn't sure whether to go with Software or Networking, so here I am.

    OK...we have 3 PCs on a wireless DSL network. My son is running Limewire apparently, and he leaves it on 24/7. Limewire runs some open file sharing thing (if someone can explain to me what exactly this is doing I would appreciate it), and it access the internet 24/7 at a crazy rate, slowing down our other 2 PCs incredibly.

    Now despite asking and leaving notes on his PC, he isn't shutting this program down when not is use - not exactly a teenagers priority huh LOL. But when he's asleep we can't access his PC to shut it down so we can enjoy full speed DSL.

    So, my question is, is there a way I can access either his PC or that piece of software to remotely shut it down from our main PC?

    Windows XP Media on our 2 PC's; Windows XP Pro on our son's.
  2. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Sure.. VNC, Remote Desktop, would be easy.

    Does your router support QoS? If so, you can lower his bandwidth to that application, and solve the problem longterm.
  3. Puppywunder58

    Puppywunder58 Master Sergeant

    Snicker, snicker.

    Find the circuit breaker that goes to his room and turn it off.
  4. Mada_Milty

    Mada_Milty MajorGeek

    Issuing the command:

    taskkill /S [I]nameofson'scomputer[/I] /U [I]son'susername[/I] /P [I]son'spassword[/I] /F /IM limewire.exe
    Should do the trick, too!

    Of course, all this, save Adry's suggestion of limiting bandwidth requires that you know his username and password on that machine!
  5. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    Can you break this down into smaller steps for me Adryn? Networking is far from my strong point. Thanks.

    @Mada - thanks ...will try that is above doesn;t work.

    @Puppy - LOL.....last resort, me thinks he might notice!
  6. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    post your router make and model, and I'll see what I can pull up.
  7. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    Since you asked Lev, read file transfer as copywrited music sharing, I haven't heard of any legal thing that it is used for. Here's a Wiki explanation of it. I would have a nice chat with the young gentleman so that y'all don't get in trouble. That's my .02
  8. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    Adryn : Thanks...will do when I get home.

    Augie: Thanks......I personally stopped using Limewire years ago when it became wrong practise to do so. I am aware of this and have yet to talk to him about it. I only found out he was using it 2 days ago when the router was going cazy and we weren't online. I haven't seen him since then. He's 20 going on 50, so it's going to be one of those "head in the sand" conversations, that requires parental intervention of the "oh well" kind ;) Thanks for the link...that will be helpful to the discussion :)
  9. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Limit his bandwidth to that of dial up, I bet he stops ;)
  10. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    This is an option, I hope. I've just never needed to do this before so haven't learn how to manipulate it.

    Aren't you Qwest too Adryn? I have the ActionTec router modem with Gateway, if that helps, off the top of my head.
  11. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Im not on Quest anymore.

    THe Actiontec eh? Not sure if that supports QoS. I suppose you could double NAT it, and put another router behind it.
  12. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    It's an ActionTec DSL Modem with wireless gateway GT701-WG

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