Best full cleanup software

Discussion in 'Software' started by Starryblue2, Jan 29, 2007.

  1. Starryblue2

    Starryblue2 Private E-2

    I am looking for suggestions for a good full pc cleanup and speed optimizer software. I have already used System Mechanic 6 and 7 and I loved the idea of what it SHOULD do but it seems it just didnt do it all. I dont really care about the cost I just really want a good all in one clean up/optimizer tool. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
  2. Mada_Milty

    Mada_Milty MajorGeek

    Best I can think of is CCleaner. This tool can manage user-defined startup programs, clean the registry, and temp files.

    Also, if you are looking to boot performance, you might consider following the instructions at this link, as they will show you how to minimize resource consumption, and improve the speed of the tasks you do assign to your computer
  3. Starryblue2

    Starryblue2 Private E-2

    Thank you, I do have CCleaner already and I will defiantly try the tip in the other thread

  4. bigbazza

    bigbazza R.I.P. 14/12/2011 - Good Onya Geek

    4 that I use, every day, for years (some of them).

    Download/install and run all 4. All are free and don't conflict with each other.
    Each finds stuff the other 3 miss.

    and MRU_Blaster

    as a 4 pronged attack on stuff accumulated after every net session.

    EmpTemp is not difficult to use, but certainly not as easy as CC or Cleanup!

    It has to be done manually, as follows:
    (1). It starts up showing the Temp Folders tab. If any programs are listed, just click on the lightning bolt and they will be removed.
    (2). Next click on Cookies, History, URL tab and then on "show all" tab (far left icon on second row). Click on lightning bolt to remove all.
    (3). Next click on "Find tmp files" tab. Click on appropriate Hard drive designation. I usually only click on C: as my others are for backup purposes. It will then check for all temp (tmp) files. It may take a while. If it lists any files, click on lightning bolt, far left one.
    This will remove all tmp files (except 2 that cannot be removed).
    (4). Then click on "Clipboard and Shortcuts" tab and then click on that is the far left one, in the centre group of 4. This will list all clipboards and shortcuts and then check to see of they are all valid and unbroken. If it finds any broken ones, click on the lightning bolt and they will be gone.
    (5). Then close down program, click on X, top right of screen.
    This takes longer to write about it, than it does to do.
    But it is another arrow to your bow, in keeping your PC ticking over. Bazza.

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