usb bootable drive?? I need help

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by volumeone0686, Aug 3, 2007.

  1. volumeone0686

    volumeone0686 Corporal

  2. volumeone0686

    volumeone0686 Corporal

    help would be nice :)
  3. Dawnpatrol

    Dawnpatrol Private First Class

    To the best of my knowledge, if the bios supports it it will work.
  4. Wyatt_Earp

    Wyatt_Earp MajorGeek

    Yes, it all depends on if your BIOS will boot to a USB drive.

    And, what does FTP have anything to do with booting to a USB drive?

    P.S. You shouldn't expect a reply within 17 mins. No one here gets paid, and many people are probably at work anyway on a friday morning...
  5. hopperdave2000

    hopperdave2000 MajorGeek

    If the BIOS supports booting to a USB device, and the correct files are on the USB device, then booting to it shouldn't be a problem.
    So there! ;)
  6. volumeone0686

    volumeone0686 Corporal

    LOL sorry, IM already retired. I pick when I want to work. The best way to make money is in real estate. Every couple of months u can make 30-60 k. :D

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