Computer reboots when power switches to UPS

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by gotchanisa, Aug 10, 2007.

  1. gotchanisa

    gotchanisa Private E-2


    I'm not sure if any of you have had this problem. One of my computers reboots everytime the power switches from the power supply to the UPS. I don't have a seperate UPS for the computer. I have one for the entire house. And this seems to work on my other computers. They don't reboot when power fails and the UPS switches to battery. I've tried changing the SMPS in the luck:cry.

    This problem is definitely limited to the computer. I hope I have explained the problem clearly. Any ideas....anyone??:eek:
  2. Turcoloco

    Turcoloco MajorGeek

    Are the Power related settings look right?
    Start > Run > powercfg.cpl > OK (particularly the 'UPS' section).
  3. gotchanisa

    gotchanisa Private E-2


    I checked the power option, it says UPS service is currently stopped.

    But I have to clarify that the UPS is not for the computer only...its for the entire house. The other computer also says the same thing. But it does not reboot when there is a switch.

    Someone I talked to said that only certain brands of SMPS ensured that the computer would not reboot. I'm not sure if this is true....besides, no dealer is going to let me do a trial and error with his SMPS before I buy it!:D

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