PuTTY, Can anyone tell me how this works?

Discussion in 'Software' started by MickeyRoush, Aug 31, 2007.

  1. MickeyRoush

    MickeyRoush Specialist

  2. Colemanguy

    Colemanguy MajorGeek

    Putty is a tool for sshing into linux or unix servers that run a ssh server. Sorta like telnet, but more secure.
  3. MickeyRoush

    MickeyRoush Specialist

    Okay, what is sshing? :confused:o
  4. Colemanguy

    Colemanguy MajorGeek

    ssh is a remote admin tool like telnet? are you not aware of how telnet works?

    COMPUABLE First Sergeant

  6. MickeyRoush

    MickeyRoush Specialist

    Yes, I know how telnet works but I'm not familiar with the ssh term. :eek:
  7. MickeyRoush

    MickeyRoush Specialist

    It sounds like I can telnet a server and use that server like a proxy server. Does this sound correct? :eek:

    Someone at work was using this to get around the blocked websites at our work place. I was wanting to know how they were doing it. :confused
  8. Colemanguy

    Colemanguy MajorGeek

    Good luck, im out now that your working to break work place security. Theres a reason sites are blocked at work. Hope your willing to give up your job for those sites cause you could loose your job. Something to keep in mind.
  9. MickeyRoush

    MickeyRoush Specialist

    Sorry, I should have given more information. I just don't have the time to type it all down. Before you flame me I guess you need to know my intentions, I'm not a hacker (or whatever), I'm not going to do this, but I would like to know how it works. I have been working in IT for years and I don't have any knowledge of this program. That's all I want is the knowledge. I NEVER said I was going to attempt it. I don't need to. :(:p

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