How to restore old FAR CRY save files?

Discussion in 'Software' started by bockovic, Sep 25, 2007.

  1. bockovic

    bockovic Private E-2

    I guess the subject tells for itself :eek:
    Does anyone know which files are used to save current checkpoint for different player profiles. I supposed that copying old .sav files into "savegames" folder will be enough, but it seems that there is some other file where Far Cry store additional data.

    I had to uninstall Far Cry half way through to end. I copied Profiles directory to different place on HD in order to back it up later. After few days when I installed the fresh copy, I tried to copy those old save files (i.e. Profiles directory) over existent (new and empty) ones. Nothing happens - old save files are invisible.
    Tried to make new Profile and played 5 checkpoints into game, then tried to replace those save files (only .sav files) with my old ones. Eventhough they have same name, none was visible!
    I made new Profile and played 5 checkpoints again. Then I deleted last one (No. 5) and restarted the game. Game reported that checkpoint 4 is last saved game. I am bit confused at this stage. I only concluded that Far Cry somewhere saves the current level, and will not except other save files without altering some .cfg files, but I could not find which.

    Any ideas?
  2. bockovic

    bockovic Private E-2

    Tough one, huh? No answer?

    But I solved it :)

    It was version issue. Old save files were from Far Cry updated to ver. 1.4, and I was trying to load them into official ver. 1.0. Updated to ver 1.4 and voila it works. Just copy / paste save files into Profiles folder and it works like a charm.

    Bottom line: Far Cry ver.1.0 and ver.1.4 make uncompatibile save files.

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