Text Size in Windows Mail

Discussion in 'Software' started by swalsh19, Oct 3, 2007.

  1. swalsh19

    swalsh19 Private First Class

    I was wondering if the textsize for Windows Mail can be increased. When I output to a TV it is very hard to read.
  2. usafveteran

    usafveteran MajorGeek

    Well, I see it offers a little control over font size. Go to Tools, Options, Read, and click on Fonts. You'll see an option there to change font size. But, I found that it makes very little difference in font size.
  3. swalsh19

    swalsh19 Private First Class

    that changes the size of th font when reading, but not for the whole app. I would like everything larger. Including the folders...
  4. Cat_w_9_lives

    Cat_w_9_lives Major KittyCat

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