Invalid Backweb Application ID 1940576 and more help Please

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by RickyB32, Nov 3, 2007.

  1. RickyB32

    RickyB32 Private E-2

    Every time i start up my pc i get the runner error invalid backweb application id 1940576. I hit ok then all is fine until i restart my pc again. I have ran hijackthis and this is what i got. And please if you see anything else that needs to be fixed that will benefit me say something. Any and all help will be appreciated!

    Attached Files:

  2. bjgarrick

    bjgarrick MajorGeeks Admin - Malware Expert

    First, this isn't a malware issue so I would recommend the Software Forum. I do however notice you have Norton and AVG installed, you should pick one and uninstall the other as running more than one antivirus will cause conflicts on your system.

    There are a few minor things that I would remove, first I would recommend running the instructions below and posting the requested logs.

  3. RickyB32

    RickyB32 Private E-2

    Thank you for your help and i am in the process of doing the instructions and did uninstall norton.
  4. bjgarrick

    bjgarrick MajorGeeks Admin - Malware Expert

    Just to confirm everything was remove, run the below.

    Download SymNRT, save to your desktop. Double click to run the program, follow the on screen insructions then reboot and procede with the instructions you're working on.

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