My network names, all messed up

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Cmdr Chill, Feb 13, 2008.

  1. Cmdr Chill

    Cmdr Chill Private First Class

    Hello all, I have a network with 4 computers and 1 XBox 360. All but one computer are hardwired (cat5) the other is a wireless laptop. Each item was added at a different time and I have messed up the names. How do I start over and rename all the machines? Are the names stored in the router? It looks like the XBox has shared files that are supposed to be on one of the computers. I have disconnected everything and then rehooked everything up but it seems like something remembers the old names anyway. The network name I use is RAPTORS_NET but mshome keeps showing up also. I would like to use (RAPTOR01,02,03,etc. With this forums help I have just about corrected all my network blues but this little thing is a major annoiance that I could live without. Any Help? Thanks
  2. lbmest

    lbmest MajorGeek

    Start > Right Click My Computer > Properties > Computer Name Tab > Change
  3. Cmdr Chill

    Cmdr Chill Private First Class

    Sorry lbmest for the stupid question, I have been using Network Magic since I read about it in this forum and when I set it up, I must have input the names incorrectly. I was able to fix the prob. by using your directions at each machine and then right clicking on the corresponding Network Map icon and inputting the correct name there. I know I should try to fix stuff on my own but I'm afraid I'll really screw something up unless I ask first. Thank You for your help
  4. lbmest

    lbmest MajorGeek

    No stupid questions here, Cmdr Chill.:)

    Glad to be of assistance.

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