Security changes on its own?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Kathleenb, Feb 15, 2008.

  1. Kathleenb

    Kathleenb Private E-2

    We have a wireless network set up at home.

    The security key for my internet connection on my personal laptop keeps changing, on its own. I will be doing somethingonline and my connection will time out, or I will get no response or a file not found, and I will go look at the security key, and it only has a small # of masked characters. I copy and paste the long and correct key, and it works again... for a little while. Sometimes it's OK for days; sometimes it's every 5-10 minutes.

    My work laptop never has this problem, nor do any other computers in our house.

    I can't correlate the problem to any specific events - like other computers using the network, etc.

    Any help appreciated. It's liveable - but seriously annoying when it happens frequently.

  2. elgumby

    elgumby Private E-2

    Hey Kathleen,

    It might be a faulty wireless card can you take the wireless card from your work laptop and put it in the your home laptop and see if the problme continues. If it does not then you probably need a wireless card.

  3. candive

    candive Corporal

    Then, ...Go to your routers webpage and do an update.

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