need to set email to unfindable- QUICK...

Discussion in 'Software' started by katcelata, Jul 3, 2008.

  1. katcelata

    katcelata Private First Class

    Majors, I need your help as quickly as you can give it, for safety's sake. I use Msn hotmail- how do I set my email to say I am away, or not available? I tried to read their customer support and it says I can't do it. Or can I set up my email to forward to another account without deleting my hotmail account, or ANYTHING you can help me with- basically I am looking to set the parameters to say I am away... and unavailable. Unfindable. I need to be able to read my mail, but give the impression that I am no longer here... It is important, and I am sorry that I am inarticulate. I need to be gone. Tonight.
  2. mcsmc

    mcsmc MajorGeek

    First of all, I'd love to hear the story and reasoning behind your "need to be gone tonight".:-D

    Anyway, I'm assuming you're using web-based Windows Live email? If so, simply:

    Go to your email account, and you'll see an Options button on the right hand side of the screen.

    Click it, and at the bottom of the submenu that pops up, click on "More Options..."

    On the Options page that pops up, under the "Manage Your Account" section (near the top), click on "send automated vacation replies".

    On the next page, make sure you click the radio button next to "Send vacation replies to people who e-mail you".

    In the text editing box below, type your automated reply. An example I thought up for what seems to be your situation is:

    Attention: This is an AUTOMATED MESSAGE.

    This Windows Live account is no longer active and is scheduled for deletion. Please use another means to contact the account owner.

    The Windows Live Support Team

    Also, you can either leave checked, or uncheck, the option box next to "Only reply to contacts", depending on your situation.

    Back on the options page, you can also forward your email to another account (so you can check your email without appearing online/active on Windows Live mail), by clicking on "Forward mail to another e-mail account", which is above the automated response option I just mentioned.

    Good luck!
  3. katcelata

    katcelata Private First Class

    no great story, just the same old same old- protecting a woman and her kids from a bad situation- the perpertrator knows who I am, figured they'd come to me and we had to play shadow games so he thought I was out of town and I didn't lead to her until SHE could get out of state to family. I don't scare easily but this is NOT a nice person, and violent. I was too panicked to think straight and think on my own of the common sense solution you were kind enough to lay out for me. I don't have a car, my apt isn't easily accessible or viewable, but he DOES know I basically live on my 'puter and he does have a fair amount of 'puter smarts. And, there was a good chance he might know my screen names and regularly visited sites. Any little bit to buy time was important, and you sincerely helped in that. The mother and tots are well and away, and I am back online, and let him just come ahead and find me, I didn't have worries for myself, but she was in a sad physical state when she arrived here. It's a sad state of affairs, and way too common in the economically depressed area in which I live, and once again the majorgeeks came through- this time you didn't just help a computer, you helped the peace of mind and possible physical safety of a little family. Pls don't suggest the police, our guys and gals are super good, but often they arrive, by practicality and necessity of the laws they uphold, after the damage is done. She got a restraining order, that was the red flag that set him off. And unless they arrest him with good evidence he has the right to the guns he owns and carries. She chose not to wait and is very far away now. Glad I could help, SUPER glad you chose to. Bless you entirely.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2008

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