card casing

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by silverbullet, Jul 20, 2008.

  1. silverbullet

    silverbullet Private First Class

    Im thinking of getting the new ATI 4870, but am worried about it catching the thin heat sink on my motherboard (ASUS M2N-E SLI) google it to see what i mean. I was woundering, the case on the card its self, can it be removed? or does it just serve a greater purpose other then protecting the card components?. Enclosed is a close up image of the card, you can see clearly the casing goes over the card and fan, but i do not belive the fan is attached to the casing, how ever i mite be wrong. Ive heard ya can remove the casing on some of the Nvidia 8800's....
  2. Bold Eagle

    Bold Eagle MajorGeek

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