Remote File Access

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Suzuki, May 18, 2003.

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  1. Suzuki

    Suzuki Private E-2

    Does anyone have any idea how to network 2 PCs running XP over the internet? I need to create a secure file-sharing network with a computer miles away. Any ideas, or suggestions of a website that might help?


  2. dalic

    dalic Private E-2

    is emule an idea, I thought you could transfer files with that program, I dont use it myself but there will be others on the forum who will.. :)
  3. Suzuki

    Suzuki Private E-2

    Sorted now, thanks anyway. We've set up a virtual wide area network over the internet and are presently pirating copies of UT2 ! lol.

    I won't ask if anyone wants a copy. ;)

    Thanks again for your help - and I'll have a look for emule, so iff its any good.

    Steve. :D
  4. Kodo


    I' ve reported this post to the owners of Major Geeks. MG does not condone or accept pirating of software or other goods. If you knew what it took to make something like that and someone stole it from you, how would that make you feel?
    I'm a programmer and frankly , that pisses me off.
  5. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    Cant argue there. We do not allow discussion of pirated software here, its inappropriate to what we do. Thanks for understanding.
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