MS 2003 VPN access

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by His Dudeness, Jan 8, 2009.

  1. His Dudeness

    His Dudeness Private E-2

    I have a User that is currently in Singapore and is trying to access our network via our MS 2003 VPN

    The user is behind a firewall at his location in singapore and cannot connect to the VPN.
    What ports does he have to have opened on that firewalll to be able to access our network?
  2. pari22

    pari22 Corporal

    I guess it depends on client's OS, but usually, client side is not the one that needs to open port. Server side needs to open vpn ports. If all the other uses can connect to your VPN server, you should ask the client to temporally disable all his security software and firewall. And see if that works. commonly used windows vpn port is: tcp1723.

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