What Will The World Be Like In 100 Years? What Kind Of Technology Do You Expect?

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by superstar, Mar 18, 2009.

  1. superstar

    superstar Major-Superstar

    I'm amazed at what we've accomplished in our lifetime. I actually think about it a lot... Even though many of our creations, or ways of life we go about, have been in process for centuries. For example the discovery of fire long ago lead to the quest for permanent means of light, which eventually lead to the light bulb. Or the impact one man who was the son of God, changed the world forever.

    One get's to thinking if we have done so much in the past century what do you think the world would be like in 100 years? Think of the mindset we carry nowadays. Women have come out of the kitchens and own corporations. Countries have become somewhat civilized, and some stick to the same ways of violence [ie: middle east]. It's very popular for a man to be with a man, or a woman to be with a woman now. The pornography industry is reaching billions of dollars a year, yet no one has their collection sitting on their coffee table. Because that right now is considered to be taboo. Turn on the tv and every channel is now very close to softcore porn [ie: music channels]. An interracial man is president of the US. & well there are a lot more things I can think of. Some negative, some positive... But a lot of the few things I've mentioned never influenced the world on such a massive scale in past centuries because they didn't exist or weren't possible/plausible at the time. What would the world be like in 100 years? Seriously that would be our children, or grandchildren's world. How will the world be organized? Will certain countries merge? What would be the main daily motive for a normal human being who is living in 2100? Religion is becoming less and less popular for some nowadays. Will we cease to believe, or believe less?

    On the other hand we have technology. Such great inventions as the tv, car, i pod, electric guitar, gaming consoles, personal computer, etc. What kind of technology do you think we'll have? Will we run out of gas? What would be the alternative? Or will electric cars finally popularize themselves in this ever changing world? A lot of the "big wigs" seem to try and stop CHANGE because of their greed. How will we combat climate change, or will it do it's course with us? Or what about the small things which are still so very important, yet used routinely in our everyday lives? Gaming systems would probably look as close to life like as you can imagine. Most cinematography already looks real in movies... The beginning of something else? The radios pretty much back in the car nowadays, while the tv is being replaced by the pc. But what of that? The death of the pc??? Sure pcs will still be around just like the radio is still on your i pod but nobody uses it. Vinyl became>8 trak>cassette>disc. Some of our inventions take a back seat as time goes by. It's interesting to speak of computers because if they are still very popular in the future what would the components be made of or look like? There is plenty of technology that can be created...

    Share your practical ideas.

    I say 100 years because that's around the corner. To say 1000 would leave too much room for fantasy and wishful thinking.

    Last edited: Mar 18, 2009
  2. KingSteve

    KingSteve MajorGeek

    I'm more worried about the next ten years to be honest. If we make it it 2020 I'll start thinking about the next 100. I think what happens in the next decade or so will ultimately dictate where we go in the future. We could be rebuiling society again. You never know with the way the world is today. The economy, massive amounts of green house gasses causing global climate shifts, you name it. There is too much to take into consideration that is happening right now to possibly predict the world a century from now. Asking for opinions on the next ten years is a lot more practical.
  3. joey off the street

    joey off the street Lounge Lizard No.1

    I would like to think a lot of today's problems would eventually be made a thing of the past, third world hunger, neighbouring countries trying to annihilate one another, climate chage, the list goes on. It's interesting to think back to those comics you could get back in the 50's (Of course, I wasn't able to buy them back in the 50's, I read them in the 70's. Augie or Fred G will be able to tell us, as they would have been around to read the originals :p) such as Weird Stories and Strange Tales (I think.) The stories in there told of time travel, alien invasions, flying cars and the like. And that was a forecast for the 80's! Surely we will eventually hit a wall where we can't progress any further technologically. Can that happen? That's assuming we're still here, of course.
  4. abz1nthe

    abz1nthe Command Sergeant Major

    I am still waiting on jetpacks -_-
  5. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    In 100yrs we will be a burnt crisp of a planet! with very poor interent connections and idiotic governments, who will have changed nothing, money will be non existant as its worthless and we will all be spending buttons or belly fluff and currency!

    Have no idea, going by last 100yrs, we may well NUKE ourselfs if not careful but if we get past that, we may reach Mars, Colonise the Moon, have alternative fuel and no need for money to buy things as they will come natural as part of daily life, medicine will be vastly improved with yearly MOTs or Checks on our health, and many diseases will be erradicated, including cancer via DNA and gene therapy.

    Computing will be as you see now in scifi films such as Star Trek and we will talk to computers who have rational thinking.
  6. KingSteve

    KingSteve MajorGeek

    Graham Barker, leader of the world?
  7. johnnyhaze

    johnnyhaze Private E-2

    the powers that be will think of some way of population control so just the most prestigious will prevail or have the most comforts in life. i think marx had it right.
  8. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Did have to look him up! but yes indeed :)

    Wasnt that predicted in the film Logans Run? hit a specific age and you are terminated!
  9. Stubby

    Stubby R.I.P. (September 3, 1949 - January 26, 2011)

    Personally, I think that the future will be a cross between "Logan's Run" and "Soylent Green." I know that is probably one of my more far fetched thoughts, but with the population of Earth getting so massive, that this planet won't be able to support the growing masses. So, the rich will survive, "Logan's Run," and the poor....well "Soylent Green!" Morbid thinking, huh?
  10. superstar

    superstar Major-Superstar

    This was a very good opinion...

    Logan's Run? Wasn't that the movie with Mel Gibson? I'll have to google that and Soylent Green.
  11. Rikky

    Rikky Wile E. Coyote - One of a kind

    Hmmm right,in the next few decades we'll work out what gives matter mass and why 90% of the universe seems to be missing,if dark matter and dark energy exist and hence what they are,we'll also work out what gravity is and how many dimensions the universe has,I think we'll also work out why observation effects quantum particle waves,we will have also worked out exactly what quantum entanglement is and how to use it to our advantage in teleportation devices for example,quantum computers will be in every home giving us almost limitless computing power and all the benefits that brings around 2030-40

    In the next few decades about 2030 we should have mastered Plasma and hence Fusion reactors and power so energy concerns will be a thing of the past but its touch and go,fusion may turn out not to be viable or we may run out of conventional power before it blossoms then the world will just tear itself apart,we may also learn to tame anti matter which would give us an energy source 10 times more powerful than fusion power enabling us to travel anywhere in the solar system in a few weeks,I'm almost certain we will have devised a way to travel or to explore nearby stars.

    Starvation will be a thing of the past with genetically engineered foods and we'll have the energy reserves to grow them,medicine will leapfrog and people will be living until they are 150 years old,old age may actually be cured genetically in the next century meaning people will only die by accidental death.

    I think the internet will still exist but it will all be transmitted through satellites rather than fibre optic and people will actually put on headsets that transport you into the internet just like the matrix,games will be cool as hell:-D

    In 100 years I still think there will be currency,consumerism and lots more adverts:-D Cars will drive themselves as will aircraft,there will be artificial intelligences and robots helping us with everything,the AI wars of 2080 will be especially hard on the moon colonies because the red cross supplies will go missing as usual,men will still drink too much neoprochan ale and come in late annoying their wives and even with all the audio technology around men still wont be able to use the right voice tone when explaining why they have come in late,same old:-D
  12. Stubby

    Stubby R.I.P. (September 3, 1949 - January 26, 2011)

  13. Speculant

    Speculant The Confused One

    anyone ever read the book "Feed" by M.T. Anderson?

    it could happen, but it's a scary thought.
  14. Stubby

    Stubby R.I.P. (September 3, 1949 - January 26, 2011)

    I agree Speculant, that IS a scary thought!! It's almost like taking subliminal messages to a whole new level. No, I haven't read the book, but after reading this link, it sounds like "Feed" is right up my alley!!! ;) http://www.allreaders.com/Topics/info_28555.asp
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2009
  15. Triaxx2

    Triaxx2 MajorGeek

    One can only hope that privately funded spacecraft become prevalent enough to colonize other planets before ours folds under the weight of a burdensome population.
  16. Rikky

    Rikky Wile E. Coyote - One of a kind

    That's a paradox,if privately funded spacecraft do become viable it means we will have mastered nuclear energy and if we have we will no longer be burdonsome.
  17. joey off the street

    joey off the street Lounge Lizard No.1

    But what if we haven't developed the technological knowhow to create life supporting conditions on other worlds? The closest possible inhabitable bodies in the solar system are the Moon and Mars, with possibly a couple of satellites such as Titan or less likely, Ganymede. If it came down to the option of inter stellar travel, unless a vehicle capable of close to the speed of light is developed, it would take generations to reach the closest star (Proxima Centauri) which is 4.2 light years away. Then Alpha Centauri A & B, at 4.3 light years. Bearing in mind that light travels at around 186,000 miles per second, we are nowhere near that type of technology yet. The best hope we would have is probably stations orbiting the earth. Don't want to be a party pooper, but unless NASA has something up its sleeve, it looks like we are earth dwellers for the considerably foreseeable future.
  18. superstar

    superstar Major-Superstar

    Thanks for the post people this is certainly interesting. Keep em commin...
  19. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    In 100 years, Canada will still be mourning my death and celebrating my reign of power. :-D
  20. oma

    oma MajorGeek

    Sure, as Emperor Bonaparte. :-D LOL Just remember that he was exiled to Elba. Sadly enough for you there won't be any army eh? LOL

    Here's a pic from Bonaparte on a motor bike, close enough for you? ;)

    Attached Files:

  21. oma

    oma MajorGeek

    If the world keeps on going the ways it is it will return into its very beginning unless we manage our planet better together as a world community. If that fails, the newest "technology" will then be in trying to light a fire with a stone. Dim view I know. New real strides have not been made in the last decades in real discoveries, only making the existing products better.
  22. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    OK, I do drink French wines at times. My glorious rule of Canada will not involve any French words. If you don't like American English, you will be sent to the country that best suits your accent. Unless you are willing to learn my language. :-D

    We will have secure borders though.:-D
  23. oma

    oma MajorGeek

    Canada is a bilingual country and all in government have to be sort of bi-lingual. You'll need to learn some French slang first, no offense to the French speaking community in Canada. Best wines are in Quebec. :drool

    Just know that the Canadian government building is made out of snow, yep an igloo ;)
  24. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    I have an Igloo Ice Chest. Nice box. They will have to learn English, or I will unleash the Cajuns on them! Heck, it is melodic, but nobody understands that version of the French language! :-D Are you peeps seeing the genius of my plan yet?roflmao
  25. Stubby

    Stubby R.I.P. (September 3, 1949 - January 26, 2011)

    Yeah Fred, I DO see your genius....I just don't understand it!!:-D But, then again, who am I to question the future leader of our peaceful, non-obtrusive neighbors to the North:confused By the time your takeover is complete, BO will probably be looking for a new job and who better to serve as your new Minister of Finance?????
  26. joey off the street

    joey off the street Lounge Lizard No.1

    When I first stumbled on references to your invasion policy of Canada, my first instinct was to think, now there's a nutter. Now, a few months on.......nothings changed. ;)
  27. Triaxx2

    Triaxx2 MajorGeek

    Rikky: Sorry, you're not quite right. Fusion power has nothing at all to do with our population being burdensome. At the moment Fission power is sufficiently non-poluting to make the energy requirements, fusion would just be a refinement. The problem is the prediction of 9 Billion people on the planet by 2020. We already have trouble feeding the people that are here now, and for all it's good points, genetically engineered food just cannot produce enough. Not without massive clear cutting of vital ecologies, which is why the population is burdensome.

    Joey: We've already figured out how to do it, they're called submarines. No atmosphere? No problem, bring your own. No food? As long as you have gravity you can grow hydroponics and meat can be preserved in such a manner as to keep for a very long time. (Smoking, salting, even freezing, though that's less useful due to the high energy cost for upkeep.), and it can be shipped in largely unmanned containers.

    As for reaching close stars? So what? That's why they call them generation ships. Since it's technically impossible to even reach lightspeed, something different will need to be developed anyway.
  28. joey off the street

    joey off the street Lounge Lizard No.1

    Fine, but on a sub you don't want to terraform the engine room or the food store.

    How? In an aqualung?

    Great, rabbit food for the rest of your natural.
    But meat won't keep for decades, even frozen still goes off.

    That one, I get.
  29. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    BO will not be allowed in Canada when I am in charge. Sometimes you have to smell the genius Stubby! :-D

    Joey... Your application to reside in the 'new' Canada is now officially denied! ;)

    Notice how quiet the Canadian government has been since my declaration of war and intent to take over was announced. :cool

    Good thing this is in the lounge. Sorry about the thread jack there. As far as new technology goes, I wonder what software changes will come about for multi core CPU's? Quad core CPU's are pretty cheap and fast these days. As Moore's Law states, the stuff doubles every couple of years, we should have 16 and 32 core CPU's in the near future.
  30. Rikky

    Rikky Wile E. Coyote - One of a kind

    Haha Fred you crack me up:-D

    No need for apologies Triaxx because your completely wrong!:-D Fusion power is a refinement of fission?Nope,Fission power uses Uranium as a fuel which has to be mined,if every country decided to build their own fission reactors tomorrow the Uranium deposits will be depleted within 15-20 years,yup that soon.

    Fusion power uses the Isotope of Hydrogen deuterium which is pretty abundant in the earth's oceans,weight for weight it contains six times more energy than uranium fission,so much so it could provide the whole planet with all its power needs for hundreds of thousands of years.

    With unlimited energy reserves we will be able to use it for growing crops,yup use the fusion power to actually make food,this will be done by making huge multi storey farms just like skyscrapers,crops will be grown by hydroponics instead of in soil and instead of sunlight artificial light will be used which is powered by the fusion reactors,with artificial light there is no limit but your imagination as to where a farm can be located.:)
  31. oma

    oma MajorGeek

    Indeed, genius Fred. LOL Forcing everyone to speak English would definitely be cost-saving to Canada. Hehe, even the labels on all food cans etc wouldn't have to be bilingual. Quebec has a separatist political party, how would you deal with that eh? ;) We want answers before we allow you to become our Napoleon. :-D
  32. Triaxx2

    Triaxx2 MajorGeek

    Joey: No problem there, the idea is only to contain atmosphere to get you there, where you can then build a habitat and fill it with atmosphere.

    Because when you travel through space, you're carrying atmosphere already.

    Yes, but you can bring rabbits along which actually taste quite delicious, and don't take a lot of room to grow anyway, unlike cattle, or other meat animals.

    Rikky: I didn't mean you're wrong about using the power of a devastating weapon to provide power. I meant that you're wrong about being able to produce sufficient food. Solar energy isn't the limiting factor, the factor is nutrition. You can produce billions of ears of corn for example, but eventually you've spread the resources so thin that you can't provide sufficinet nutrients for the plants to grow and for the edible parts to contain any nutritional value. Rather like Fast food.
  33. joey off the street

    joey off the street Lounge Lizard No.1

    Apologies, I didn't mean to be flippant with my replies, Triaxx. Yeah, everything you mention could work. I just can't see it working in the next hundred years. We have made monumental strides in the last hundred years, but I just don't think we have the know how to transform another world into something inhabitable. If we do develop the technology, and bug out to Mars or the moon, what's the betting we smeg it all up again, anyway?
    Rabbit pie and root vegetables?....Sounds okay, as long as I don't have to make it myself. :yum
  34. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Who knew the future would hold Fred_G as the self appointed King of Canada. LOL

    Remind me never to go there when it happens....all that nongovernment and lawlessness. ;)
  35. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    I prefer benevolent supreme honorable humble public servant. King is just well, a bit too much. :-D Don't worry, there will be a very effective small government. Will be a pleasant, safe country to live in.
  36. joey off the street

    joey off the street Lounge Lizard No.1

    Fancy invading the UK too?
    I can be your fifth columnist.
    Rikky can be the water carrier.:-D
  37. Rikky

    Rikky Wile E. Coyote - One of a kind

    Agreed:-DThe end of petrochemical fertilizers will be a rather large hiccup.
  38. silas

    silas MajorGeek

    No offense to anyone in this practice of sort. But I personally ain't blessed with cash nor is my family or friends. My town/state/continent is broker then what's in my pocket. Every where is so much under the the bar for thing's. Like I have said before say you make 600 bucks every 2 weeks - you got rent thats 400 dollars, internet 100 dollars, gas (sense iam close its cheap) 50 bucks, insurance on car (cheapest) 60 bucks, power bill is 100 dollars (if cheap), heat or air condition raises the bills, hm and also food? If you calculate it up its about.. Now what Iam saying is.. Iam good to most people around here as in paying bills on time, what I am meaning by this is that everything in the world isn't cheap to have and people should be bless to have many.. I don't have cable and havn't for years! Because bills come up to what my check is.. and thank god I am by myself.. And what does the state what to do ? Raises taxes on everything including property taxes and such - which only means more cash to useless stuff (like the state tring to pay off and get more money to pay off its stuff! And that crap annoys the sh*t in me. No jobs(if you got one its low paying), high bills, higher taxes on everything to pay off the goverment mistakes... and we will just keep sinking into many more people losing jobs, losing homes, and moving in with someone like a friend. Its going to be like 2 married couples staying in a house to be able to pay its bills.. woo very nice american dream (and whats that american dream?) Big nice house, white picket fense, family and pet? I think its now going to be.. nice poor apartment assistance living for you and welcome to us.
  39. Balthazor

    Balthazor Private E-2

    Want to know what this world might be like in 100 years from now?
    Then read the book of revelations
    (not a bible thumper just a believer)
  40. Triaxx2

    Triaxx2 MajorGeek

    Revealed to me that someone was busy making things up as they went along.

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