Need help recovering overwritten Excel file

Discussion in 'Software' started by ittechman, Aug 5, 2009.

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  1. ittechman

    ittechman Private E-2

    I need help recovering an overwritten file. I had two excel files and accitentially saved one with the name of a really important Excel file I use. So, a file that is not important, when I saved it, I saved it with the name of a really important excel file. Now I need to find out how to get that important Excel file back. All that happens when I try to open the file I need is that the unimportant file (now with the name of the important one) opens. Please help. Is there any way to recover the file I need? OS is XP Pro, using Office 2003. Thank you!!!
  2. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    Try system restore. Maybe the earlier file would then appear with the name. Of course, the unimportant file would not be around.
  3. ittechman

    ittechman Private E-2

    I believe that System Restore only affects system files and settings, not files like Excel or Word or PowerPoint documents. Could somebody weigh in on this please. Thanks! Really need help with this one.
  4. ittechman is right.

    System Restore leaves data files totally unchanged only rolls back on system file changes and program installs etc.

    Do you not have a back up of this really important excel file?
  5. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    Sorry, I wasn't sure on that. I don't use Word; I'm a WordPerfect gal and WP makes backups every 5 minutes which has both me and my husband spoiled. (not sure if it does this for QuatroPro or just the "document" type files) It is fairly easy to recover when something weird happens, like losing power on a day with no storms in the area.
  6. jewlzs

    jewlzs Corporal

    If you did a save as you were prompted when the important file name appeared to overwrite and if you clicked yes, its gone.

    If you did a save and the important file name appeared and you click ok your important file may still be around unless you were prompted that there were two exact file names and do you want to overwrite and click yes then your important file is gone.
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