Bios and BOOT Sequence

Discussion in 'Software' started by m79vest36, Oct 6, 2003.

  1. m79vest36

    m79vest36 Corporal

    If you manually re-set Bios to boot fm your hard drive only...what if your computer freezes fm a sircam worm & you can only boot fm a floppy? Does this leave you in a precarious situation?
  2. Hipster Doofus

    Hipster Doofus MajorGeek

    Boot back up into the bios when needed & change it again. That should do it.
  3. the_master_josh

    the_master_josh Specialist

    My Bios is already manually set with the values for the hard drives/cd-rom drives. I then go to defaults when something goes wrong. On slower machines this save a lot of time, for they are super slow at detecting and trying to boot from the floppy and cd-rom.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2003
  4. goldfish

    goldfish Lt. Sushi.DC

    how would i go about setting the values for the HD and CDrom, what values should i put in? Im just saying this because it would speed my boot tremendously...
  5. Kodo


    adjusting boot order does not affect it's functionality
  6. the_master_josh

    the_master_josh Specialist

    I'm saying that having the values for the hard drives already set saves time because it doesn't have to autodetect the devices. Most bioses have a function where it will autodetect once inside the CMOS. Then you just have to tell it to use those values and tell it this is how it is everytime. The only downside is when you take the computer apart cause you have to reenter the settings.
  7. goldfish

    goldfish Lt. Sushi.DC

    That was what i was talking about!

    Since i reset my CMOS i have to Autodetect everything, and it takes agggess... Is there any way to find out what values to put in so it doesnt have to autodetect every time...?
  8. Maxwell

    Maxwell Folgers

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