video downloader needed!

Discussion in 'Software' started by CatT, Feb 12, 2013.

  1. CatT

    CatT I can't follow the rules

    i've had great luck w YTD for youtube stuff. other stuff worked reasonably well until lately via orbit's grab+ (other thread ). now that that's dead, tho, i'm getting desperate (especially since i'm getting no bites in that other thread).

    CNET rates getFLV best but i had trouble with that in the past. any recs on similar apps before i just start DLing at random?

    again, it's mainly for NON-youtube stuff. YTD still working fine.
  2. falconattack

    falconattack Command Sergeant Major

  3. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    I use Firefox with video download helper.. works on a ton pf sites.
  4. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    I use Firefox with video download helper.. works on a ton of sites.
  5. CatT

    CatT I can't follow the rules

    well, i WASN'T using FF, but as my desperation grows, so does my willingness to go back to it.

    DLed and installed it. i guess. every time it reboots FF it keeps asking to do it AGAIN!

    well, i tried punching in a vid URL over that...and the vid is playing. now what?

    no popup, no "DL this vid", no nuttin on the right click.

    methinks nothing installed after all.


    back to IE....
  6. MadMal

    MadMal Corporal

    FireFox asks you to do what again? download Video DownloadHelper or reboot?
    Go to the Video DownloadHelper website and you will see a menu for FAQ, Manual, Video Tutorials, Installation, Video Sites, those should explain everything.
    It has 6,955,793 users, it does work.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2013
  7. CatT

    CatT I can't follow the rules

    says "need to reboot FF to complete installation", i click ok, it reboots FF on same DL page saying "install VDH?" again...ok, i try clicking on it AGAIN, but...endless loop.

    i thought maybe it HAD finished but was just pinned on that as a homepage now, but when i forcibly go to some VID page instead, i'm seeing no signs of any interception....

    i don't really like autoinstalls anyways. doesn't FF let you grab some SETUP file and do things locally as in IE? for starters, i'd know if it were INSTALLED or not that way....
  8. MadMal

    MadMal Corporal

    FireFox Menu > Tools > Add-Ons (Ctrl+Shift+A) > Extensions
    Is Video Downloadhelper there?
    I can't remember what happened when I installed Video Downloadhelper but it is quite normal for FireFox to automatically go to the homepage of an extension you have just installed or updated after you reboot FireFox.
    From the Video Downloadhelper User Manual
    Read the great user manual for more information
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2013
  9. cipher

    cipher Major Geek Extraordinaire

    As MadMal said, addons often take you to their homepage. You can read about updates, patches, feature and "How Tos." They may be trying to get you to upgrade to a paid version, they need some revenue stream to keep providing freeware to us. IMO, this is reasonable behavior on their part.

    Just close the tab/window if you are not interested...

    I use NetVideoHunter which covers 99% of the things I care to save, and use DownloadHelper 4.9.12 for the odd one that it won't handle.

    As a general aside, be sure to let flash store some small amount of data on your computer, say 10 MB if you run into videos that don't want to play, and therefore are unable to saved. You can do this when you see the tiny flash settings dialogue box that is asking you if you wish to allow this video to play popup. It is one of the options to set the amount of space you will allow, some sites/videos need to have this set to some number greater than zero to function properly...
  10. mcsmc

    mcsmc MajorGeek

    I've had decent luck with "Flash and Video Download" add-on for Firefox.

    Their home page is .
  11. CatT

    CatT I can't follow the rules

    i don't have a problem with a new app taking me to its have a problem with a new app taking me to an "install this app?" page MID-install! especially when you're expecting a "finished" message.

    anyway, it did install ok (prolly 5 times on top of itself!) and i have the icon and it's easy to use and it DLs just fine. i'm a little rusty w FF, but i'll manage somehow.

    @mcsmc: i'll keep that in mind as a backup. i've got the other one working atm so i'm gonna run with it.

    tx all!
  12. CatT

    CatT I can't follow the rules

    hey, what exactly is captured when you download a "live stream"? they're always EXACTLY 2.0G in size.

    i did it by accident months back -- some background music on a page popped up in that intercept list -- and just now i'm tempted to do it on an actual video file. was trying to get video of yesterday's dorner news; instead got some news channel's "live feed" (seemingly DEAD in the browser) of yesterday's events.

    am i gonna see 45 mins of BLANK (since the feed is over)? am i gonna see the LAST thing it carried? am i gonna get some totally UNPLAYABLE file?

    fact that it is always EXACTLY 2.0G leaves me baffled. how can it have ANY video size, much less a play length?!

    first one i queued up said "9 hrs" to DL, so i'm clearly not gonna figure this out by trial and error on my own. anyone actually KNOW offhand?
  13. CatT

    CatT I can't follow the rules

    if viewed in IE, that NVH says "can't install coz you're not in FF" etc, but yesterday i somehow got a message "try NVH for IE instead" with a link. i followed the link, but cannot recall whether i DLed it or not.

    now i can't even find the message/link. did i just IMAGINE this?! does NVH, in fact, EXIST for IE?

    i DO have an app "boostyb" (your browser) which i DLed right around that time and which seems to have the very functionality desired. is THAT some IE version of NVH? why the screwy name?

    if NOT...where is that MESSAGE/LINK?! i can't BELIEVE i cannot find this again!


    EDIT: oooh....wait a min...that was DOWNLOAD HELPER not NET VIDEO HELPER. yes, the link's still there.

    not quite sure i'd even noticed were we talking about 2 diff apps here (3 with the FNV one). it was indeed NVH that i put in my FF yesterday.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2013
  14. cipher

    cipher Major Geek Extraordinaire

  15. CatT

    CatT I can't follow the rules

    yeah, MadMal kinda pulled a fast one on me. in the guise of helping me debug my install, he/she was talking about a TOTALLY DIFF APP!

  16. cipher

    cipher Major Geek Extraordinaire

    I don't think that is an accurate statement. Your apparent reading comprehension difficulties do not make another's words fill with bad intent.

    Tread lightly...
  17. CatT

    CatT I can't follow the rules


    i'm not complaining, i'm just saying he/she did a step by step debugging probs with an app i didn't even HAVE....
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2013
  18. cipher

    cipher Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Words mean things.
    is disparaging, it says you think MadMal hoodwinked you for some purpose. And disguised his/her effort to do so.

    I don't think that is what MadMal had in mind at all. I think MadMal was trying to help you. We all make mistakes.
  19. CatT

    CatT I can't follow the rules

    fair nuff. i didn't mean anything negative by it.

    "pulled an ACCIDENTAL fast one" then....

  20. MadMal

    MadMal Corporal

    Isn't VDH shorthand (acronym) for Video DownloadHelper ?

    The progression of this thread >

    I put the complete (not shorthand/acronym) name of the extension in all of my posts and the links I supplied go to the homepage so I don't see how there could be any confusion as to which extension I was talking about when I was trying to help you.

    Anyway, some other member might be able to benefit from the information in this thread
  21. CatT

    CatT I can't follow the rules

    yes, i had installed NVH, not VDH, but i guess that wasn't clear. so when u started asking abt my "VDH install", i glommed onto your use of "VDH", even tho i was still talking about NVH.

    no harm, no foul. i'll prolly get around to trying ALL of these at some point.

    for the record, tho, it's NVH which is installed and running atm.


    PS: belated thanks to foogoo, who started all this!

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