Wifi interfernce?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Freexe, Feb 5, 2005.

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  1. Freexe

    Freexe Private E-2

    I've looking to setup a Wifi network in my parents house, so they can play movies/music and watch 24 in the living room. There would be a main server upstairs that would hold all their music and movies and a simple box downstairs to play the movies into the tv and music onto the stereo.

    They already have a wifi telephone and i was going to get them a wireless mouse and keyboard, would all these wifi appliances in one place cause interference? If the neighbours were also to have any wifi devices could this cause the whole network to be unstable?

    I want the network to be as simple as possible and to work well when i'm not about as they are not tech savvy. Would it be worth me holding out and getting the next generation wifi (802.11n i think) or will 802.11g do? Are there any altenative if having wires everywhere is not an option?

  2. InYearsToCome

    InYearsToCome MajorGeek

    Wireless B or G will do just fine.

    by saying a "wifi" phone, I assume you mean a 2.4ghz phone, which yes, can interfere with the network in some cases. you can try it out, and try keeping the phone base as far from the router as possible.

    If there is still too much interference, the only way to get rid of it is by getting a phone on a different bandwidth (900mhz or 5ghz).
  3. mcadam

    mcadam Major Amnesia

    Surely you just can't change the channel settings? On mine, the choice is between 1 and 11.
  4. goldfish

    goldfish Lt. Sushi.DC

    I think you can have a range of 1 to 16 in the USA (only to 11 over here).

    2.4GHz phones are irritating. You get data transfer errors and you can't hear what the other person is saying on the phone. Of course you can try it, but I wouldn't get your hopes up :p
  5. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    US is limited to channels 1-11 as well.
  6. InYearsToCome

    InYearsToCome MajorGeek

    yes you can change channels between 1-11, but at best that might reduce interference. Routers work on a pre-defined channel, however Phones choose whichever channel they get the best reception on at the time, so could always interfere with the router's signal.
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