Multisession CD problem !!!

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Clark_Kent, Feb 17, 2005.

  1. Clark_Kent

    Clark_Kent MajorGeek

    When i burn a Multisession CD with nero ultra.

    When i want to add some files nero tell me the cd is blank but that's not truth i can see with explorer the files....

    so i don't knows what to do i search with google did not find anything.....
  2. Clark_Kent

    Clark_Kent MajorGeek

    I forget to say using XP Pro SP1a
  3. Clark_Kent

    Clark_Kent MajorGeek

    I find when using Nero info tool that my ASPI installation is corrupted.

    How do i fix that ???
  4. Insomniac

    Insomniac Billy Ray Cyrus #1 Fan

    Which ASPI is corrupt, your system ASPI or Nero ASPI?

    Nero has it's ASPI for download on it's site.

    If it's system ASPI then use google and look for Force ASPI which will remove the corrupt files and replace them.

    I wouldn't worry about what you can or can't see with explorer. They could be Lead in or Lead out files that most burning programs don't report but need.

    Just try continuing the session and see if it works.
  5. Clark_Kent

    Clark_Kent MajorGeek


    One problem fix it was my system ASPI that was not good, fix it with the program you said force ASPI.

    One others problem still there. When i try to add files to a Multisession CD
    i cannot see the files and know that it's already there.

    When i try to burn anyway nero tell me that the cd have some files
    in it and want to erase the CD.

    So maybe i could try the last version ???
  6. Clark_Kent

    Clark_Kent MajorGeek

    Just upgrade to and the same problem :(
  7. Insomniac

    Insomniac Billy Ray Cyrus #1 Fan

    Glad the ASPI is fixed.

    The other "problem" is easy, although it's not a problem at all.

    When you burn a multisession disc, you won't generally see the files you have burned until you finalise the CD.

    That's just how it is and nothing is wrong.

    Nero has a download on their site that enables you to see the files with or without finalising, but it's tricky to install so read the text supplied if you want to install it.
  8. Clark_Kent

    Clark_Kent MajorGeek

    All problem fix...

    A there is .PDF to show the right way to do a Multisession CD.

    Let say i was forgeting a few thing ;)

    Now everething is okay ...

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