Picked up DOOM 3 finally

Discussion in 'Software' started by Jerkyking, Jun 30, 2005.

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  1. Jerkyking

    Jerkyking Sergeant Major

    Picked it up on sale for $20 bucks. Now I'm a FPS fan since I played the orginal versions back when they had to be loaded from a stack of Floppys and enjoyed them... But this version really makes me jump and the hairs on my arms stand up. Much more creepy than HL 2.
  2. MellowMan

    MellowMan First Sergeant

    I just got it recently too. It creeps me out.

    fun in the dark :)
  3. Olley

    Olley Sergeant

    u gotta play it alone in the dark, preferably after 12:00 in the night, with a surround sound setup and the volume cranked :)
  4. N5638J

    N5638J Guest

    theres a mod you can download if its to dark for ya it puts a flashlight on some of your guns so you dont have to go back and fourth all the time to see around the place with out worrying about something killing you while you are trying to change from the flashlight to a gun
  5. Olley

    Olley Sergeant

    did u guys know that the reason Doom3 is sooo dark is because there are problems with the engine? the darkness hides the errors.
  6. Olley

    Olley Sergeant

    dude.. u got a big mouth.. sounds like ur 12, maybe 13...

    why a question mark? well thats what you do when u pose a question. duh ;) !
    and yes! u might be so lucky and find out for ur self that there are errors with the doom3 engine and they increased the darkness so that they could sell the game without any more delays. there is atually a video interview with john carmack talking about that!

    "no they wanted to make it vividly bright and rainbowetic for all the curved folks" ?? whats ur point son?

    "are you on drugs?" sometimes.. so what?

    "I'll add to the gossip so I can feel gay " and try to be gay on ur own time, im sure they have gay forums for people like u! google it! ;)

    by the way, is there any point to ur post?
  7. Jerkyking

    Jerkyking Sergeant Major

    Foot in the door or foot in your mouth?

    Didn't see your point

    I only meant to say I'm enjoying the game and that it was pretty creepy.
  8. Omegamerc

    Omegamerc MajorGeek

    ...huh [​IMG]. Im guessing its a bad example?
  9. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

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