Another harddrive dead?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by teehee, Feb 10, 2006.

  1. teehee

    teehee Private E-2

    Ok, this is a bit of a lengthy story but here goes:

    About 5 days ago now , my computer froze just a few minutes into a game i had just started up (dungeon siege 2 demo). I figured this wasnt a major problem, i'd just restart. And i did but only to find an error in loading windows. Cant quite remember the exact one but it was somthing like "ntldr is either missing or corrupt, please copy or replace the file". Now at the time i didnt have my xp pro copy handy (i had lent it to a friend), so i tried a few other things, safe mode, last known good config, replacing the file from a xp home cd :p etc but to no avail. Finally i rang a friend and got em to send over their copy. meanwhile i googled the issue on another computer to find that many people were fine with it all after using chkdsk in the xp recovery console. So i figured i'd give it a try. This is where it hit the fan.

    I left it for a while and came back to see that it had stopped at 50% saying that "one or more sectors could not be fixed" somthing like that anyway. Bugger, but i guess i'd just reinstall windows - not that big a deal. I restarted and then there came these clicking noises from the hdd. and it just hanged at "detecting ide harddrives". Sometimes it'd give up and no hardrives would be detected and it would continue to boot. But somtimes it'd find it but the drive wont stop clicking or get past that first screen.

    so heres what i've tried:
    -Restarting the computer about 1000x >_>
    -Placing it on slave/check cables, (it seems to detect it more often like this but it could just be my imagination, it still doesnt get past the first boot screen)
    -I only have the one drive on that computer by the way. But i did try plugging it into another computer. Exactly same issue just hangs or doesnt detect it at all.
    -bios detects it correctly, with the right amount of space 80gb samsumg hdd etc.

    So... is it dead? Anything else i can try? i mean it seemed ok up until now..Oh and than in advance to anyone who actually bothers to read all that :)
  2. kjanz

    kjanz Corporal

    a little known virus called 'kittools' of which there is no known fix, can chew up a harddrive, and destroy the sectors.
    i've had 3 in my shop this year.

    go for the new harddrive
  3. teehee

    teehee Private E-2

    damn, well that sucks.

    i was lookin at hdd's a few minutes ago and i managed to find this samsung 200gb 7200rpm ATA-7. link to specs:

    I can get the above hard drive fairly cheap but my motherboards manual and stuff says it supports "--4 x Ultra DMA100/66 devices" with 2x IDE ports. So would my motherboard support this hdd? i heard that ATA-7 is ata133. is this true? i'm guessing that it will run but just at ata100, or something along those lines.. any help would be appreciated here.

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