Hi,I'm Joy69

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Joy69, Aug 6, 2007.

  1. Joy69

    Joy69 Private E-2

    I found you all thru my Dell Computer help.what I need to find out where I can get the spell check back in my mail carrier(Outlook Express). They gave me a site of major geeks but it couldn't be found.Then I was given this site.hope someone can help.Really need spellcheck for e-mails.confused
  2. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

  3. Joy69

    Joy69 Private E-2

    Joy69 again.how do I know which download?Idon't know what oe2.1 is!
  4. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    OE2.1 means it's for Outlook Express 2.1

    What version of OE do you have?
  5. Joy69

    Joy69 Private E-2

    Musksnipe.THAKS, thats the site where I'm supposed to be.I don't know what version My outlook Express is.I know I have Enternet Exployer.(Said I was dumb about these things.)I can do lots of things on my computer but is is all new to me!
  6. Joy69

    Joy69 Private E-2

    Want to thank you to LauraR.I 'm almost there-right site but don't know which one to choose!
  7. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    I was a little hasty in posting that link, Joy. I don't use OE so I didn't think about the Version. Start up your OE and click the help on the menu and then "about". That should tell you the version if the startup screen doesn't. Then post back and we will make sure you get the right one.
  8. Joy69

    Joy69 Private E-2

    Joy69 AGAIN.Went to "help in Outlook Express.Only thing found was version6.Thats what it opens with to.there were more things there but didn't find any 1 or 2 .
  9. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    I'm sorry, Joy. I rushed in with the wrong info and I can't find any spell checker for OE 6. :eek: It would be best to start a thread in the software forum and some one who actually uses it will have a cure for you. I read something about having to have MS Word or office to use that spell checker within OE.
  10. Joy69

    Joy69 Private E-2

    Thank You and everyone else that have helped me.I went to the site that you found(one recommended by my Dell help)and downloded the spell checker.It WORKS great.again thank you.
  11. chipper_atmacneil

    chipper_atmacneil Private First Class

    Welcome to MajorGeeks!:celebrate
  12. JakeD

    JakeD Corporal

    Welcome to MGs. ;)
  13. Joy69

    Joy69 Private E-2

    This is a great site.I sent it to all my online friends and told them how helpful everyone was.It's not often you find a site that really helps.:)
  14. BILLMCC66

    BILLMCC66 Bionic Belgian

    here you find a nicer kind of geek

    Last edited: Aug 25, 2007
  15. Joy69

    Joy69 Private E-2

    Hi,truth be known ,never thought of anyone as a Geek.Guess it wasn't such a popular word in my younger days.There were "stupid" or "crazy people"or really smart people we called "Bookworms" Geeks are kinda like bookworms,they know more then other people.Nice ones on this site,thats for sure:)
  16. ItsWendy

    ItsWendy MajorGeek

    Your user name looks familiar, do we know each other?

    Welcome aboard!
  17. BILLMCC66

    BILLMCC66 Bionic Belgian

    BILL i always thought the opening line was "haven't we met somewhere before"

  18. Joy69

    Joy69 Private E-2

  19. Joy69

    Joy69 Private E-2

    WOW,Think it was a pickup line ? I've been married so long I forgot what a pickup line was.:)
  20. BILLMCC66

    BILLMCC66 Bionic Belgian

    it's been a long time since i had ANYONE(including my wife) say such a nice thing to me[​IMG]
    or was that intended for the other BILL too many BILLS here
  21. ItsWendy

    ItsWendy MajorGeek

    I already told you Bill, it was for me! :D

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