Hey all - Geek here trying to learn more and help many!

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by DKaminski, Aug 16, 2007.

  1. DKaminski

    DKaminski Private E-2

    Hey guys - just signed up so I can get more experience helping with the more interesting spyware issues.

    Any suggestions are welcomed with open arms. Happy to help anyone who needs it in turn! I've been fixing home & small business computers for 6 years and figure I should get back into the learning curve because I obviously don't have all the answers!
  2. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Welcome to MG's....feel free to look around and contribute as you see fit ...the malware section is not open to users making replies...unless they have started the thread with a problem....but it is a great resource for learning!
  3. DKaminski

    DKaminski Private E-2

    I know that's the part I'm most excited about. Where's the testing for that? Does it come with a minimum post count?
  4. chipper_atmacneil

    chipper_atmacneil Private First Class

    PM chaslang about the Malware interest. I'm interested in working there too, but first we need to work in the other forums so that MG can see where our strengths are.

    By the way, good title for the post. That would cover just about every Geek working here. ;)

    Chipper :)
  5. DKaminski

    DKaminski Private E-2

    Working there huh? You get paid? Pfft I'm not trying to make a buck just trying to learn some more for my business and help some people with my expertise!

  6. chipper_atmacneil

    chipper_atmacneil Private First Class

    LOL No DKaminski, I didn't mean we get paid. Work here is voluntary, but to work in the Malware boards you have to talk to chaslang.

    Chipper :)
  7. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    We pride ourselves in accuracy, and resolution of problems. We also enforce this in the software and hardware forums, but the malware forum is crucial. Thats why its locked down to the general public in helping. You will notice that the resolution rate in the malware forum is ridiculously high--chaslang and co. are very, very good at what they do.

    You can blame it on the people who went in there knowing diddly squat and messing people up, or accomplishing nothing.
  8. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi and Welcome DKaminski

    Hey no-one has all the answers which is why this forum is good we have various knowledge bases in different areas, it helps cover most issues, so yep we could do with more help always so welcome on board.

    We pride ourselfs on not ridiculing the most simple questions that some forums woudl flame newbies for, we just answer in simple steps to difficult steps depending on how you judge the original posters knowlege, some steps may need screenshots and we would take the time to do these if it helps.

    above all we try to be relaxed and go slow but as Adryn above mentions be accurate and have the knowlege on an issue to be able to follow up if needed as best as you can, just googling an issue for a generic answer just doesnt help anyone.

    So have fun and jump in where you can :)
  9. studiot

    studiot MajorGeek

    If you are going to tell anyone how do something, including how to lick an ice cream cone, remember that Adrynalyne has probably written detailed thread about it 5 years ago.
    We lesser Geeks try to refer to these threads.
    Oh and welcome to Major Geeks

    Halo I'd still like to reuse my Shark.
  10. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    hi and welcome to MG's...

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