Oh Yes, Oh Yes, Oh Yes!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by SexySadie, Aug 17, 2007.

  1. SexySadie

    SexySadie Private E-2

    Thank U all soooooooo much for your help, encouragement and good humor...I did it!!!!!
    I now have my music playing on my MySpace page...it is located at: http://www.myspace.com/verysexysadie , check it out if U'd be interested....wow...I feel like I have gone 10 rounds with 'the champ'...lol...all U programmers and tech folks deserve every penny U earn...with a huge raise!!!!!! I feel as I would if I had just discovered the answer to all mankind's problems...lol...Thanks again...my 13 y.o. son, Matt is thrilled also as he doesn't have to hear about this anymore!!!!!! lol...Luv to U all...Sadie.:cool
  2. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    hi sadie.. the guys here dont earn anything for the help they give. thats the great thing about this site. just a bunch of guys and gals who give up there free time to help out others.. glad you got the help you needed....
  3. BILLMCC66

    BILLMCC66 Bionic Belgian

    hi Sadie were just one big happy family here we all share our joy and heartaches so enjoy your time here.

    there are always people ready to help even the likes of me (really dumb with computers) they have infinite patience and knowledge and are always there for us.

    here is another site that might interest you the first link is to the site


    the second is a very good friend of mine (he's my surgeon ) a part time musician it his voice you here.


  4. SexySadie

    SexySadie Private E-2

    Thank you BILLMCC66...I love the sites, especially your surgeon friend's...wow....now is that fair...intelligence and talent??????? lol I will have another listen later....very haunting sound....I love it!!!!! Thanks again...Sadie;)
  5. SexySadie

    SexySadie Private E-2

    Oh thanks WildWolf....U folks are a real gold mine of info.!!!!! :)
  6. BILLMCC66

    BILLMCC66 Bionic Belgian

    I tell Chris he sings very much in the style of B Springsteen or Peter Gabriel what do you think? if you are in agreement i will E mail it to him as he says I'm wrong.

  7. SexySadie

    SexySadie Private E-2

    lol...I love the singing chicken...I agree..Peter Gabriel indeed!!!! He is terrific...wonderful to have that level of talent!!!!! Who does your surgeon friend, Chris think he sounds like? Tell him he has a new fan!!!!!!;)
  8. SexySadie

    SexySadie Private E-2

    Oh...one last question re: profiles...lol...if anyone does check out my MySpace page, please tell me if U are able to access it freely. I was informed last evening that no one but friends on my list can read my profile. I don't have my settings for friends only...just for over 18 y.o.'s. I would appreciate it...Thanks for all the help everyone...let me know how U like my MySpace page...I think it rocks...lol...hope U will all agree...Sadie
  9. BILLMCC66

    BILLMCC66 Bionic Belgian

    i got the same FRIENDS LIST so i look forward to listening if you can open it[​IMG]

  10. SexySadie

    SexySadie Private E-2

    Well Bill...I cannot locate U on MySpace...but if I ever do I will let U know if I can access it or not...:)
  11. BILLMCC66

    BILLMCC66 Bionic Belgian

    i do not have MY SPACE so sorry you will not find me that's why i use the other site it's an open forum for music.

    i wish you success with you venture.

  12. chipper_atmacneil

    chipper_atmacneil Private First Class

    Good to hear you're enjoying your time with us, Sadie. Raising kids is a worthy endeavour. :) If you have any problems, let us know. We'd love to help out. Even if it's just to listen.

    Take care,

    Chipper :wave
  13. SexySadie

    SexySadie Private E-2

    Hi again...it's me!!!!!! lol...I have just changed my privacy settings on MySpace to public, so if someone would kindly check out my page again http://www.myspace.com/verysexysadie I would appreciate knowing if access is granted without being on my friends' list. Thanks again U all for everything...I am sure I will be popping up in other areas of this site asking for help or just clarification on issues that continue to elude me...which is most in cyber space!!! lol...Take care and have a wonderful Sunday everyone!!! Sadie
  14. chipper_atmacneil

    chipper_atmacneil Private First Class

    Just did, and yes it is accessible.
  15. BILLMCC66

    BILLMCC66 Bionic Belgian

    Great stuff SADIE now i can hear you:D
  16. SexySadie

    SexySadie Private E-2

    Thank U Clipper..I salute U...oooppsss...just poked myself in the eye...lol...but seriously, I appreciate knowing my master piece can now be read by everyone. Don't ya just love the graphics and colors I chose??? I know...don't push the envelope!!! ;) The music played though, right??? That was the last question, I promise!!! lol...thanks again U all...Sadie;)
  17. SexySadie

    SexySadie Private E-2

    Oh thanks Bill...silly Billy!!!!!;) U R all so kewl!!!!! Have a great Sunday..Sadie

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