Problem with Notepad window

Discussion in 'Software' started by Draw7Seven, Nov 6, 2007.

  1. Draw7Seven

    Draw7Seven Private E-2

    Everytime I open up notepad, nothing comes up. Notepad starts, but it starts off of my screen, so far away that I can't drag it back because (obviously) the mouse pointer can't move past the edges of my monitor. I can maximize notepad to return it to my viewing field, but once I restore it to a smaller size, it returns to its original position. I can just type in NotePad with it maximized, but many times I use it to quickly store copied or cut information before pasting it into another window, etc, and it's getting pretty old to have to have it maximized. What can I do?
  2. Mada_Milty

    Mada_Milty MajorGeek

    Recommend that you try increasing your screen's resolution, open notepad, move it to the left of the screen, and put the resolution back. Notepad SHOULD remember the position it was in when it was closed.
  3. Draw7Seven

    Draw7Seven Private E-2

    My monitor is at maximum resolution already. I've brought it down and back up to no avail. And right clicking the notepad file on the task bar and selecting "Move" from the submenu isn't helping. It's too far out.
  4. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    1. make sure notepad is the active program (taskbar will show if it is)
    2. press alt+spacebar
    3. press M
    4. use the arrow keys to move the window where you want it
    5. press enter to keep it in that spot
  5. Draw7Seven

    Draw7Seven Private E-2

    I tried that, it just does the same thing as using the "Move" command from the taskbar. It refuses to let me "get a hold of" the window in order to move it. I click down when I see the 4-Way arrow in the top of the screen, and it just doesn't let me move the box.
  6. Draw7Seven

    Draw7Seven Private E-2

    Bump. Any ideas?
  7. Matacumbie

    Matacumbie Rocky Top

    There shouldn't be any "Clicking" using the method that plodr suggested. You are moving the window with the up and down arrow keys, it will eventually come into view and you can adjust it.

    I added (release, then go to step 3) at the end of step 2.......just in case.

  8. Draw7Seven

    Draw7Seven Private E-2

    Haha thanks guys, that worked. I always thought the "Move" function just used the mouse.

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