This is my Mount Olympus

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by semtexsy, Nov 13, 2007.

  1. semtexsy

    semtexsy Private E-2

    I have seen the light and it is Major as a brand new "recruit" but long time novice comp geek i have been plagued by slow computers,do it yourself books (always with some agenda to sell software),and less than useful info from so-called buddies and crappy forums(plagued by a-holes :***with their own pupose of hijacking your comp and/or speading their malware)and after suffering in silence:cry ihave found my Valhala since "enlisting" yesterday i have followed the info posted on how to clean up your comp and get it running the way it should and damn finally some info that works.My comp is runnin 10 times better than it did! So my advice to all the new "recruits" read the advice and FOLLOW IT TO THE LETTER bcause it works and if you loved spendin hours on your comp when it was a garbage dump for scumbags and their little trix you wont believe how sweet it is when you clean house!
    Major Geeks i thank u ,my computer thanx you my wife on the other hand doesnt thank you cuz if she thinks i spent too much time on the comp before ..........:drool
  2. dyamond

    dyamond Imelda Marcos of Majorgeeks

    Welcome to MG's

    Glad you got your problems fixed, got some really good folk who spend their free time to help us out here.

    oh and yes this place can be very addictiveLOL
  3. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member could always invite her to come by for a visit.:D

  4. Natakel

    Natakel Guest

    Welcome to MG, semtexsy . . .

    This site is an oasis of light and sanity in the dark and dangerous internet. I've been online since Sep '97 . . . and I've determined after years of dealing with pitfalls and snares that it doesn't get any better or safer then Major Geeks. This is the best place to seek help and knowledge that I have found in my virtual travels.
  5. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to the wacky world of MG's..LOL
  6. shanemail

    shanemail Fold On

    Welcome to Major Geeks :major

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