hi everyone

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by elceeh, Nov 13, 2007.

  1. elceeh

    elceeh Private E-2

    my name is Elsie and I am an Aussie my birthday is feb 9.I have a big problem I went to a site (zed net)i think.They had a thing where you cld remove ads etc and I messed up and clicked wrong thing.Now i cant get a lot of news photos on IE and some other stuff.Also sometimes whole sites wont come up and I just get a blank screen.I have been putting up with this for ages and someone told me about you guys.HELLLLLLLLLPPP!!!! It was all my own doing but i got no idea how to reverse it.I have done system restores but they havent worked. Elceeh
  2. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

  3. elceeh

    elceeh Private E-2

    thanks fred but what do I do??? my antivirus hasnt picked anything up(A V G)nor has ad-aware or widows repair I run all of these a couple of times a week.
  4. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    Why not download a different browser and see if that 'solves' your problem.


    Try that browser and see if you can go to all the sites you want.

  5. Natakel

    Natakel Guest

    Welcome to MG!

    A few things to try . . .

    --Are you using Internet Explorer? If so, in the menu bar go to "Internet Options", then select the "Security" tab. Select the "Default level" for the internet. Test this and see if this corrects the problem. If it does, then your next step is to make sure there are no net-nasties on your PC . . . shut down your computer, disconnect from the internet (physically - shut down and unplug your phone line or the ethernet cable from your PC), then restart in safe mode. Once in safe mode, run your AVG and any other security programs you have, and delete any net-nasties they find, if any. Then change the security settings to your needs or change primary browsers. If you don't know how to get into safe mode, post back.

    --If you are running XP, and your system restore function is running, you could try that.

    -If nothing works, I second Fred_G's suggestion of downloading another browser, like firefox or opera, and testing it to see if that corrects the problem. I use firefox in place of IE explorer for most internet stuff.

    Let us know how you are doing.
  6. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..
  7. shanemail

    shanemail Fold On

    Welcome to Major Geeks :major
  8. elceeh

    elceeh Private E-2

    thanks so much for kind welcomes and advice.I downloaded opera yesterday and now i have TWO browsers!!!If anyone can make a mess of things it has to be me lol.As both browsers work I guess its okay,but what would I know!When I tell you how old I am you will know why I am so dumb(74 next b'day)I should probably be weaving baskets,but I do love my p.c.and I would hate to hurt it.thanks again to all of you,you are the greatest.
  9. elceeh

    elceeh Private E-2

    never do today what someone else will do tomorrow lol
  10. elceeh

    elceeh Private E-2

    thanks for help guys,i downloaded opera and now have 2 browsers(guessI boo booed again!)They both work so I guess I should stop while I am in front!Once again thanks for your help to a raw recruit,I really appreciate it.:D

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