
Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by c0mpute, Dec 25, 2007.

  1. c0mpute

    c0mpute Private E-2

    Just stopping in to say G'Day,

    Yep another aussie here...lol. you guys prolly think oh no not those aussies again....lol LOL :D

    Been looking around and and got an old problem, which i might post though thinking of reformatting...

    has anyone ever considered suing the adssite company? i never let it install on my pc yet its still there. i will ask here if there is a one program solution to get rid of adssite malware? just to make it easier i guess..

    Belated Merry xmas and have a good new years from down under....

  2. Cat_w_9_lives

    Cat_w_9_lives Major KittyCat

    Hello and Welcome to MGs, we like Aussies, especially the G'Day greeting, sounds so cheerful.

    If you do the read/run here, you will get rid of your problem.

    As far as suing them...think I remember a thread about how hard it is to track the co. down in order to sue them.
  3. c0mpute

    c0mpute Private E-2

    :D Thanks for the reply and the link.. its greatly appreciated.

    I believe this could of been from an attempt to speed up my AMD Athlon x2 dual core proccessor, with a program called speed up my pc, there was a free version and when i noticed it invaded privacy and my pc, i stopped installation straight away, apparently though it still helped itself onto my pc.

    I find my old single core cellron processor to be faster then the dual core..


    Now i can start having the fun of :banghead lol
  4. shanemail

    shanemail Fold On

    Welcome to Major Geeks :major
  5. c0mpute

    c0mpute Private E-2

    Thanks :)
  6. Cat_w_9_lives

    Cat_w_9_lives Major KittyCat

    The new Read/Run is a lot easier and faster to do (less head banging), you can post in the Malware Forum http://forums.majorgeeks.com/forumdisplay.php?f=35 if you have any questions.

    p.s. if you need software better to ask here for safe software, it's here and tested or members will recommend what's safe but clean up your pc first.
  7. c0mpute

    c0mpute Private E-2

    Well thing is , is im not sure of the name and or if it is a virus, i know that avg free has not picked up on it, and also use bitdefender and ad aware from time to time (free edition) and none of them have picked it up. so if you could suggest something here it would be appreciated and i dont mind if this thread is moved to a more appropriate forum...
  8. c0mpute

    c0mpute Private E-2

    My apology to you, i just found something hidden in my add and remove programs, i will try to uninstall this first... it is a browser optimizer as it says in the add remove programs list.

    The name in full is this

    Browser Optimizer Adssite

    Before i uninstall is there anything i should before rushing into things? or anything you can think of that i should know or do?

    LOL its always the way, when you think malware or spyware you think that would be the last place something like that could be...

    After this gets fixed would anyone know how to speed up a pc that is currently using both sata and ide devices? i know its prolly hard though looking at freeware if possible, and also looking at upgrading my memory so that it might help speed up the windows starting times i do have over a 200GB hdd so thats not the prob i hope. anyway thnx for any info you might have....
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2007
  9. Cat_w_9_lives

    Cat_w_9_lives Major KittyCat

    Uninstall it, not good software. Make sure that you did not turn off System Resore...in case of problems, but you should really be asking questions in the Malware Forum now...better once you start the read/run, they have more experience in this type of problem and possible complications.

    After you clean up your pc, you can ask in the Software forum for tried and true software for this. http://forums.majorgeeks.com/forumdisplay.php?f=21

    You catch on quick :)


  10. c0mpute

    c0mpute Private E-2

    Okies, thank you again for the help. you can be assured i will recommend this to my friends :cool
  11. Cat_w_9_lives

    Cat_w_9_lives Major KittyCat

    Your welcome, if you have any questions, please post, someone will be here to answer or I will see when I log in, we are here to help.
  12. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..
  13. c0mpute

    c0mpute Private E-2

    back again to let you know some strange things.... LOL this is a first i have seen for programs, when i did it asked me to verify that i wanted to uninstall the program by entering codes like one would when say on myspace or signing up to a forum to make sure it was not a bot or something... lol i found that weird.

    I thought i would of been asked to verify installing it that way, not the opisite...lol..

    Anyway sorry for waisting your time..:wave:cool
  14. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    Nah, you're not wasting anyones time as posts like yours help a lot of people of what not to do, now I know about this little 'gem' and will avoid it like the plague.:)

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