Hello everyone

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by dc57, Feb 23, 2008.

  1. dc57

    dc57 Private First Class

    Hi all,

    I just joined this site and wanted to say hello. I hope to learn a lot from all of you and maybe help some people with their computer problems as well.

    Take care
  2. dc57

    dc57 Private First Class

    Wow, that was fast.
    Hi Kestrel, nice to meet you. Thanks for the welcome.
  3. dc57

    dc57 Private First Class

    I think you're right. There is quite a bit of info here, more than I thought. Looks like a good place to hang out.
  4. dc57

    dc57 Private First Class

    I've already learned a lot from the malware forums.
  5. dc57

    dc57 Private First Class

    I always enjoy learning new things, and Yes, it's Homer.
  6. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    If Black Sabbath and Judas Priest still qualify as Metal, then yes.
    (Man, they keep changing the names of genres so often that it's hard for an old guy to keep up.)
    (I remember when there was just Rock, Country Rock, and Hard Rock)
  7. welcome don ,dont mind muskie he is really weird well I call him my geek:D I am sure you will get to no him:)
  8. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    Obviously this wasn't where I meant to put this.rolleyes
    Welcome to MG, and if you need help, think twice before accepting mine. roflmao
  9. dc57

    dc57 Private First Class

    Hello musksnipe, how ya doin?

    Thank you for the welcome. I'm sure I'm going to like it here. Last I heard, Judas Priest and Sabbath are still metal. :D
  10. dc57

    dc57 Private First Class

    Thank you for the welcome. I'm glad I joined MG. I'm going to like it here. :)
  11. legalsuit

    legalsuit Legal Eagle

    Welcome to MG…and don’t be put off by your welcoming committee…they’re pretty clued in here really…though a temporary mental lapse can happen to the best of us!


    <Good one MuskLOL Guess no one is infallible:p:D>
  12. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..
  13. dc57

    dc57 Private First Class

    Hey mankind, how are you?

    Thanks for the welcome. I hope this doesn't upset too many people, but I'm a Sox fan.

    I don't have HBO so I've never seen the Sopranos. It sounded like it was a great show, too. That always happens with me, I never get to watch a good show until it's already off the air or it's in it's final season. But I've heard so much about the Sopranos, I'll have to rent the DVDs.

    If you could find put what kind of train it was that would be cool. I remember on Chicago Hope, one of the doctors had a layout set up in his office I think.

    Anyway, thanks for the welcome.
  14. dc57

    dc57 Private First Class

    Hey, LS How are you?
    Thanks for the welcome. This is great, I know I'm going to enjoy it here. I've had a few of those mental lapses myself, so I know what you mean.:D

    I'm not put off by the welcoming committee at all, everyone's been great so far. I hope to meet a lot more people and help out if I can.

    Thanks again
  15. dc57

    dc57 Private First Class

    Hi wildwolf, how are you?

    Thank you for the welcome. I'm starting to feel a bit overwhelmed by all this attention. I've never had this many people come out to greet me on a forum before. It's great!
  16. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    we are all just one big happy bunch:)LOL
  17. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    Sure, the one and only mistake I've ever made and everyone decides to read it.roflmao
    (Didn't have time to edit it before the wife saw it or no one would ever have known) LOL
  18. dc57

    dc57 Private First Class

    good one :D
  19. legalsuit

    legalsuit Legal Eagle

    Timing is everything...but then we still luv ya, regardless;):D

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