Not sure about forum to use

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by jiminat, Mar 25, 2008.

  1. jiminat

    jiminat Private E-2

    Hi All. I suspect my computer has been hijacked because of some weird messages from my firewall about my computer trying to access the internet without my permission. I am not sure if this should be posted to a software forum or a technical forum. Although I am computer illiterate I'm afraid I'm a bit of a click and try person when I get a problem (even in the registry). When I finally find the correct forum I think I can remember the whole sequence of events. I have already downloaded Highjack This. Regards Jiminat
  2. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..
  3. jiminat

    jiminat Private E-2

    Hi. Thanks to Wildwolf and Kestrel for your replies. Sorry I haven't acknowledged earlier but I've been busy going through the cleanup operation.
    It appears to have worked for the moment. No weird messages from Zone Alarm yet. I still cannot uninstall the moody copy of Microsoft Office Pro 97 that I have on my system but I'm not too concerned about that. I only wanted to get rid of a file called findfast and I've done that.
    Regards Jiminat
  4. brainbone

    brainbone Private E-2

    hello here but have been lurking and looking for quite some time hoping to find a solution...sent a message to someone but not sure if it went through. I have TCP/IP issues, am unable to get online. -system w/WinXPsp2...downloaded winsockxpfix didn't help still unable to log on...netdiag/test:winsock/v <232> [FATAL] Cannot find TCP/IP configuration from the registry.
  5. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    You should really start your own thread in software. Welcome aboard.
  6. brainbone

    brainbone Private E-2

    Thank you. What is the best way to start a thread here?
  7. brainbone

    brainbone Private E-2

    Thank you... I have now set up a new do I get answers to my problems?

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