
Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by billybrew, Apr 6, 2008.

  1. billybrew

    billybrew Private E-2

    Hello i recently found your site because i am in need of some advice and or assistance! My name is billy my comps not the one in question the one in question is a dell inspiron 1200 laptop the screen has recently went not sure if it has anything to do with my problems on here but ill list some of the activity so maybe one of you could help me! Ok i know theres zedo/viruses/malware on it ive downloaded a-squared among alot of others with no luck one says 669 register probs the other says 200 so i dont really know how bad it is but this is the scan link for a-squared my results i dont know how i can post wont let me post a link! problems occuring: massive pop-ups like uncanny speed in these things as soon as you logon to explr anything from nasty porn to orbitz ads no telling what comes um ive tried just about everything in my little knowledge to fix she bought the comp from arrons and never genuinated it i dont think i have a re-install that they gave her but im not that inclined and dont know if it would take this off any way! Ok now regscan said it had smith somthing or anothers ive read about allready in your run and read thing is why i know its infected i need some serious assistance its close to crashing nothing works and if it does its slow? Please if anyone has any ideas please send em my way!
  2. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..
  3. billybrew

    billybrew Private E-2

    Thanks for the warm welcome ppl! sabrenx i started doing all the run& read yesterday i got to the ccleaner part now god i hope this works lol! Thanks for the steering in the right direction though nice to meet u all!:wave:)
  4. teddy1955

    teddy1955 Private E-2

    Welcome, I too had issues, but this site help with them. PS 'folow all instuction' for me it was best to read first completly;) then act.
  5. billybrew

    billybrew Private E-2

    hey man yea i did that too with no avail now im locked outta my documents and settings on that i dont know wat it is ima have to take to pro i think!:cry
  6. billybrew

    billybrew Private E-2

    Whatever it is its slowly locking me outta stuff i thought i crashed on me last night see the thing is it wont stay long enough to properly do the run and read thing install shield is wacked and wont install any of those programs on the read me thing its really messed i think!:cry
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2008

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