Forum Bewilderment Needs Technical Support!

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Shenberglar, Jul 14, 2008.

  1. Shenberglar

    Shenberglar Private E-2

    Hello Major Geeks!

    I hope this finds all of you well and willing to offer the benefits of your expertise. This is my first "forum" posting, ever, although, I have read through many posted on this site and have been able to take advantage of the insight gained from them. My hope is to become more educated about my system and learn how to better guide it more efficiently.

    I have an HP Media Center PC m1095c, which I uprgraded recently and am currently running Windows Vista Home Premium Edition. I have a 320g Hard Drive, a 320g external hard drive, running on a Pentium 4 - 3.20G\HZ with
    2.5G of Ram.

    I have read and understand there are still many issues with Vista, especially with freezing, yet I feel my issues are getting, progressively worse and would sincerely appreciate any assistance you would consider offering! I believe to have several serious registry problems and would like to negate anything unnecessary or harmful from running on my system. From my visits to the forums, I've noticed you've advised others to run "Hijack This" and post the "Scan Log", I've taken the liberty of doing so, already, if it would help.

    Thanks for your time, I hope to see a response soon, that is, if I figure out how to get back here to read it! - Shenberglar
  2. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Hello and welcome:)

    Actually, posters are directed NOT to post hijack this logs. You best bet would be to go to the Software forum and provide information on exactly what kind of problems you are having.

    If you think you are having Malware issues, you need to go to the Malware forum and follow all steps in the Read and Run Me first thread that is stickied in there.

    Good luck.

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