heat issue or video card?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by buggabear, Sep 21, 2008.

  1. buggabear

    buggabear MajorGeek

    I have a Compaq NX9010 business laptop, 80 gig hd, 768 ram, 2.6 ghz processor, xp pro sp3, Radeon IGP 345m video card.
    I think I may be having a heat issue. When I’m running large programs (games, graphics) my computer shuts down without warning. I had this problem 9 months after I purchased the system (2004) and had it sent back to HP for repairs. They fixed the problem but never told me what it was. The warranty expired after 3 years and into year 4 the problem has resurfaced.
    I think the computer shuts downs because it’s running hot while I’m using those graphic intense programs. I can feel the heat coming from the fans and it can get so hot it will burn you. I looked on one of the post and someone said the fans could be dirty and not blowing as efficiently which may cause it to overheat and shut down. I have cans of compressed air but I’m skeptical of shooting it into the computer thinking it may cause more problems. I was also wondering if it could be the video card causing the shutdown and not the heat issue. If that is the case, then do I have 2 problems ( heat and video card)?
  2. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    It could very well be dust in the heatsinks. I have cleaned many laptops with canned air, and none were damaged. Of course, that is up to you.

    Have you tried a program like CoreTemp to check the cpu's temperature? http://www.majorgeeks.com/Core_Temp_d5665.html

    Cleaning it would be the cheapest solution. I would clean it out to eliminate one possible problem.

    Last edited: Sep 21, 2008
  3. Senlis

    Senlis Staff Sergeant

    its difficult to damage fans with a can of compressed air. At work, we use an air compressor which uses much more pressure than a can of compressed air could. If you get the fans spinning fast from the air, don't stop them. Let them slow down on their own.
  4. scottshad

    scottshad Private First Class

    I am surely no expert, but my laptop (DELL) was running at 118 to 122 F when running a big game or doing scanning... Dumb me, but I have never thought to clean out the air slots on the bottom, which I did and the temp lowered, to about 116 to 120 depending on what I was doing.
    So I bought a CHILL MATT) and as true as I am sitting here, and no matter what I am running my temp has gotten no higher than 104F it usually runs around 98 to 102 .
    A $24. investment worked for me.
    Good luck
  5. buggabear

    buggabear MajorGeek

    trying the canned air
  6. buggabear

    buggabear MajorGeek

  7. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

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