Switching from English to Spanish with Vista

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Mom Teacher, Nov 2, 2008.

  1. Mom Teacher

    Mom Teacher Private E-2

    I am the same as Manna PC-except it is my daughter taking a course with switched on schoolhouse. We have Vista Home Premium. Will the steps be the same as with XP? I read what MannaPC was told to do and how it worked but I am thinking we tried that same thing and it would not work. Maybe I missed some step.
    Any input is much appreciated!
    Mom Teacher:)

    Also, what does the "Private E-2" mean under my name? hope someone can help me.
  2. hyas mom and a warm welcome to major geeks someone will be with you soon to help with youre problems ......:wave

    The name --private e2 is just a title shows rank but in a nice way;Or when youve proven youre worth you can help people with questions you know the answer too!;)
    Its all swings and roundabouts here just like school! welcome!!!:major
  3. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi Mom Teacher and Welcome to the forums

    I would re-post your question here in our Software Forum area as many of the techs that can help you dont visit the Welcome Center area
  4. Mom Teacher

    Mom Teacher Private E-2

    Thank you because I cannot figure it out. I want my daughter to be able to type her Spanish stuff without having to stop and do something for each character that has to be accented. I want her to be able to type just like I am and when a letter is supposed to be accented, the computer will know to do it.
    I am on my computer doing this. My daughter's is in the living room. I am going back and forth. I may just get this in there on her computer.
    She is supposed to start her schooling tomorrow and this is really giving us trouble.
  5. Mom Teacher

    Mom Teacher Private E-2

    I thought I did post it in software forums like you said but when i click on software forums, i don't see my posting
  6. hyas mom you will see a linked piece in halos thread click on it and you will be re-directed to software forum where you will get your help :)
    and good luck!!you were in the software forum other day same place as you asked about the web cam!!:) do not reply here reply in software k ;) you have to link then rewrite or post it there in software!!!
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2008
  7. Mom Teacher

    Mom Teacher Private E-2

    No. this is my first day ever on this site. I don't know. is very frustrating.
    Thank you anyway
  8. not frustrating remember slow and easy wins the race!:)
  9. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave Mom and welcome to MG's..

    The link to your software post is HERE

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