Hello and a gripe right off the bat, lol

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by TechnicolorMan, Dec 30, 2008.

  1. TechnicolorMan

    TechnicolorMan Private E-2

    I love MajorGeeks.com and have been using the site for a long time but I have one major problem. Compared to the other sites I visit daily for my freeware fixes, MajorGeeks is SLOW, SLOW, SLOW to start downloads no matter what server I try even the author's site. Is there some technical reason downloads take so dang long to start? Sometimes they take so long that the tab returns to the main menu without ever starting the download. And yes, I've clicked the "if its taking a long time click here".

    Is there too much load for too little server power? If so what about soliciting donations to buy more server juice. Or maybe tweaks to whatever OS is running the servers?

    It's no big deal if there's only a few things to download, but if I'm gone for a few days well you guys do such a good job there's 3 days worth of new stuff to scrape. Any help in speeding up download starting would be appreciated.

    Otherwise, outstanding site. :cool
  2. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    We don't have more servers because we have 6 download servers. Pretty good bet all 6 are not slow, I usually use the last FLorida one since the first server listed is usually hammered as people click it by default. No problems here, I can pull over 900 KB/sec, almost 1 meg, off most of the servers. Most files are small, so we rarely get swamped since people download and get off quickly overall. You might check your connection or backbone for an issue because you must admit, having 6-7 download sites all be slow sort of points back to you :( Let us know.
  3. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Hello and welcome.

    I have not encountered that issue on the many computers that I maintain. Do you have this issue on just the one machine? Have you tried using another computer to assess the speed?

    This I believe is the first time someone has mentioned this.
  4. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    Aimed this question in the direction of owners for you as for me its not been too bad, some routing issues with various backbones in past year have added to the slowness from certain locations but nothing too major.

    If you download this or start to download it for 5mins whats the speed http://majorgeeks.com/Windows_XP_Service_Pack_3_Network_Installation_Package__d5990.html and choose Authors site, after 5mins the constant speed was 128kb/s which is 1mb but as holidays are here at present I expect slowness in general from my max connection of 3mb DL.

    What tweaks would you suggest?

    Not really... more likely bandwidth issues would be prime cause, host company at present maybe on skeleton crew so slow to fix issues, that plus many are on holiday woudl add to general internet slowness in some areas.... sadly the backbone is not coping with the amount of users on the net, and some ISPs are traffic shaping, then it could aslo be as mentioned the host.

    If speeds are at the times when good are you using a download manager? if so dont, not always they start quickly on some sites.

    See MA got to it already before I posted.
  5. TechnicolorMan

    TechnicolorMan Private E-2

    Okay I'll check some of your suggestions. However, the problem isn't the download speed. Once a download starts its quick. And I'm not using a download manager since most don't allow me to rename the download. I don't have this problem with other sites I download from daily and I won't mention them out of courtesy to you. Really download speeds are no problem from any site I use. It's just the wait time before the download starts at Majorgeeks and yeah I've tried all the servers.

    Okay your questions: 1) No I haven't tried using another machine because I don't have one. Just for spec info, I run Windows XP SP3, off a 54mbps wi-fi at a public library (and yeah they could be the problem), with 2GB of 800Mhz DDR2, 1.5TB of SATA 300, and an Athlon X2 5200+ so I don't think its hardware.
    2) Software wise I have very little installed and run mainly portable apps that either I've portablized or were obtained that way.
    3) Security software in case its causing a glitch is Avast AV, EMSI A-squared Anti-Malware, KeyScrambler 2.2.x (whatever the latest is), WinPatrol, Zone Alarm Pro, Comodo Memory Firewall, and Comodo BOClean. (ok, so I'm paranoid, lol)

    If I had another network to check from I could determine if its this particular wi-fi or not but unfortunately I don't.

    The backbone is out of my control so if that's it well too bad for me.

    I'll run some tests with what you recommended, try disabling one resident program at a time, see what happens and let you know in case I discover some conflict.

    Thanks for listening and keep up the great work.
  6. TechnicolorMan

    TechnicolorMan Private E-2

    Well you know the old thing about cars that are acting up. As soon as you take them to the mechanic they don't cooperate and mess up for them. So as soon as I try the SP3 download to time start times and throughput of course I don't have a problem.................... All servers started right up with the download and i was hitting about 120kbps. Uh so forget it for now. I'll report back with stats and such if this happens again. Probably griping about it fixed the problem. A Murphy thing.
  7. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    Think it may just be one of those things as I mentioned like the backbone and routing of the internet from your area and ISP to the Majorgeeks servers location, at times when one node goes down the routing aroudn other areas picks up the extra and can at times be a tad slow to initially pickup the file, once going its ok.

    Maybe worth doing a tracert to files1.majorgeeks.com (bottom TX download location)while its quick now and save it to notepad file and when it happens again do another tracert to see if routing is slow.
  8. ninexunix

    ninexunix Private E-2

    /nods This is the best explanation for your issue (by halo). I'ld get yourself a nice lil gui program called neotrace (formally made by neoworx but now owned by mcafee, but luckily they didn't ruin the integrity of the software) that will tell you what your weakest link, so to speak, is. Another idea is to switch up your primary DNS with your secondary DNS and test that out in neotrace (I only mention this due to lack of info about your ISP, in reality this may change nothing, but some private ISP's do know what they're doing and have their secondary DNS on a different node path). Perhaps there's a lot of activity on your primary in that node path.

    But newho, yeah run a trace and pay attention to the node hopps delay in ms to each node. May help in pin pointing the issue.

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