Hello from Illinois

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by 324Melissa, Jan 30, 2009.

  1. 324Melissa

    324Melissa Private E-2

    Just a quick hello to everyone here, I am new and wanted to introduce myself. My name is Melissa and I guess the most important thing people should know about me is that I am a work at home mother and I homeschool.
  2. PapaDuke

    PapaDuke Master Sergeant

    Where in Illinois are you? I'm in the Chicagoland area (South suburban area) and we homeschool our 2 boys as well.
  3. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's Melissa..
  4. :waveHello and a warm welcome to the Forum...:wave


  5. frapper

    frapper Private First Class

    Welcome to Major Geeks, Melissa. Glad to see you here. :cool
  6. 324Melissa

    324Melissa Private E-2

    I actually live not far from chicago, about 2 hours south in Normal. It great to have something in common with another person on the forum, I love being a homeschool parent and my daughter has benefitted SO much from it.
  7. PapaDuke

    PapaDuke Master Sergeant

    Same here, and glad to hear it. What curriculum do you use if any. We use CLASS and are very grateful for their materials and structure.
  8. 324Melissa

    324Melissa Private E-2

    Thanks for the link. Currently we dont have a set curriculum. We freestyle our homeschooling as much as possible. We are always working on the basics like math, science, reading ect... but we usually try to stick to one subject at a time. Last week we were learning about Dinosaurs so all of the work we did revolved around dinosaurs, even the math...

  9. PapaDuke

    PapaDuke Master Sergeant

    Sounds like you have the gift of teaching we wish we had! We would be completely lost trying it on our own like you are.:confused:-D
  10. Cmdr Chill

    Cmdr Chill Private First Class

    Welcome to MGs Melissa! Glad to have you here.
  11. AbbySue

    AbbySue MajorGeeks Administrator

    Hello Melissa & welcome to MajorGeeks!:major

    FYI for those that were discussing nursing homes in this thread...all posts regarding this topic have been relocated to a separate thread entitled Nursing Homes in the Hot Button Topics forum.


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