I shot my laptop.

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by esszeeeye, Jan 31, 2009.

  1. esszeeeye

    esszeeeye Private E-2

    Hello from Jakarta,

    I'm a Brit living in Indonesia for 10+ years,loving it,learning to use my PC and studying photography online,as best I can while following my family's world music band around,documenting their progress.

    The reason I'm here is,I posted to my home photo forums,yesterday,and got a windows pop-up asking for my Email address.....:eek:crybaby ..the mods think my computer has some serious problems,so am tiptoeing thro' all the required steps posted here to get help
    (You guys are very cool and smart-appreciate it all)

    First pic is my pop-up,second the one I was posting at the time....some kind of local salute ?

    When 'm done with all the steps,if still sane and not gibbering jello on the floor,I'll post my results.

    Thanks all-its really nice to get this info on what to do,instead of nervously awaiting an answer to a thread ,(or not,if the guys are busy) I'm actually learning and working on a solution.

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  2. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    roflmao @ 'salute'. I wonder if that's a universal greeting of hate? Welcome aboard, ignore my statement and hope you find an answer. LOL, that is a funny pic and not knowing Indonesian culture, I can't hazard a guess for obvious reasons.:-D
  3. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi and Welcome to Majorgeeks

    Yes indeed to follow our malware steps and post in the malware forum for the experts their to help you work out what this is, sometimes looking yourself can find some items but removing them just hide some of the rest of the components to this potental malware, but places to look are the startups (run hives and CCLeaner can assist with whats loading at boot in its Startups) also try another browser see if event is same... but do finish the malware guides and attach the logs in the malware forum.

    I just love this line.... best one for ages and very apt for all PC users as they drive us up the wall at times :)
  4. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..
  5. esszeeeye

    esszeeeye Private E-2

    Thanks,nice welcome,guys !

    I'm actually enjoying doing this,(between panic attacks),really grateful for all the info and help.While fearless as a photog,I'm a wuss with windows,etc.
    (See pic)


    Wouldnt dream of going it alone - halfway congealing as I write,
    mostly because I downloaded an out-of-date tool from a link for
    "Combofix. (Expires end of 08.) :confused

    Gonna run it in reduced mode,due to that.

    Just how far up that wall are you,right now ?


    Its probably just the camera angle-but certain districts have fun wedding rites involving ritual insults,martial arts sparring sessions between the families,and then the bride-and-groom-fights...:-D

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  6. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Oooh is that one of our links? if so please do post the URL here and I will check it out and have it updated. But knowing our link is direct from Bleeping Computers and the original developer of that app it should be newest, unless he hasnt updated it yet.

    Generally about 10ft as always dealing with PC issues be it on this forum or via the beta testing I do over at Microsoft.... personal PCs are nearly always fine and no issue.

    Hey really great photos, love the spider one, great angle and depth..... previous old job of mine was in photofinishing at Kodak, before I moved into medical research in eyes and vision.
  7. BILLMCC66

    BILLMCC66 Bionic Belgian

    That sound like a typical English wedding. [​IMG]

    Welcome to MGs where we have more nationalities than the UN
  8. esszeeeye

    esszeeeye Private E-2

    Yeah,seen a few like that,but here they are sober AND still crazy,the men wear knives tucked into the cummerbund of their sarongs...(pic)
    My family has more nationalities than most,makes for interesting,if rather contrasty photos.

    Correct,its not your link,but the site,Beeping computer, which has the problem-I'm stuck here,under Step 2,number 4.


    Happy you like the photos,I live in photog. heaven !

    Now, grab you crampons...

    -I'm in deep $%$ now-:banghead


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    Last edited: Jan 31, 2009
  9. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    Just need to leave your thread in malware alone until the malware experts get to it, quick tip is dont add any new posts to it as they work from oldest post to newest so any new additions bump your post tothe top of the forum area, but in effect the bottom of the work queue.

    They will get you sorted out asap.
  10. esszeeeye

    esszeeeye Private E-2

    My bad,Halo,

    -I had posted,first,when encountering difficulties in following the "Read&Run Me "stuff,so then had 2 posts worth of attachments to add makes 3 posts in all,didnt want to jam the gears up with too many threads.

    -Just knowing someone will be dealing with it at some point is a real comfort...

    (Slides slowly from chair,snoring softly,cat eats forgotten dinner):zzz
  11. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    No bad on your part at all, the guys and girls in malware are busy at present but they will get to you asap.

    Slowly falling alseep myself, long week and need dinner now.....
  12. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    Welcome to Majorgeeks.com :)

    I read this thread title and now I have the Bob Marley song going through my head.....

    "I shot my laptop....but I didn't shoot my P.C.......oh nooo noooooo nooooooo" :-D
  13. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    Oh nooooooooooooooo!!!!!! You Started my mental tape loop Lev!:eek
  14. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    HAHA....I keep saying we need a Music Forum in the Off Topic arena :-D
  15. FighterJetMom

    FighterJetMom Private First Class

    I thought the exact same thing, although my inner ear is hearing the Clapton version.

    Welcome to MajorGeeks!
  16. esszeeeye

    esszeeeye Private E-2

    Its more like ...


    ....this morning..seems I have some problems,but waiting quietly confident,
    YEAH GUYS I DID IT !! ok,not so quietly :major

    -Off to shoot something else,before I forget how to use my legs.

    Thanks all,you are MAJOR good guys :grouphug
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2009
  17. BoredOutOfMyMind

    BoredOutOfMyMind Picabo, ICU

    Have you tried logging off the photo forum, clearing your cache, restarting your browser and then trying again to post your photos there?

    If you can post the photos here with no problems, it seems to be on the other board you are having troubles, not exactly your system.

    Although a cleansing from the malware section will not hurt ;)
  18. esszeeeye

    esszeeeye Private E-2

    Thanks for taking the time,B.O.O.M.M.

    I followed all the Read me and Run steps,-tho' pretty nervous,felt more confident with the awesomely easy guides-you guys rock !
    -and now see I have more instructions on my Malware thread...quick answer,too_Off to work.
    My teenagers may even give me some respect for doing this without a major freak out- :celebrate
    Thanks again.
  19. KingSteve

    KingSteve MajorGeek

    aw. i was hoping to see some cool pictures of bullet holes in a laptop. :(
  20. CrushingSilence

    CrushingSilence Private E-2

    me too, i'm kinda disappointed now.:guns
  21. BoredOutOfMyMind

    BoredOutOfMyMind Picabo, ICU

    "Re-Booted" ;)

  22. esszeeeye

    esszeeeye Private E-2

    Don't think I wasn't tempted...lol ..."Re-Booted" :-D

    Pic is a card for a musician friend,Feb 14th is coming around again.

    You've prob. already seen this,but my kids love it-



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    Last edited: Feb 4, 2009
  23. KingSteve

    KingSteve MajorGeek

  24. BILLMCC66

    BILLMCC66 Bionic Belgian

    Thats because you are using "manage attachments" I use Image shack and upload the image with that then use the URL given by image shack.


    you can also use Photobucket
  25. esszeeeye

    esszeeeye Private E-2


    See what you mean..nice..er..attachment.;)
  26. esszeeeye

    esszeeeye Private E-2

    Thank you,Bill,

    Today fighting Roman rulers-Nero-that program was better named than they know-its totally after world domination.

    "Nero fiddling with my CPU while laptop burns"

    -Tried to PM BoredOutOfMyMind,wanted to share the funny with some photog. friends-asking for permission-seems PMs are locked-need 50 posts-ok,here goes...

    Pic for today...."Burn"..seems appropriate.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2009
  27. esszeeeye

    esszeeeye Private E-2

    Having completed all the cleaning and feeling good about myself,life,the Univ,etc,did a STOOPID thing.:banghead

    I clicked here-Care-it made my full browser page WIGGLE into the minimize mode.


    Anyone wanna tell me what the %^^^^^&* that was ?
    (Nervously running scans) I'm clean I'm an idiot.

    Pic of the day has to be,"Play with fire"


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