Newbie From Canada

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Cynergy Diva, Feb 9, 2009.

  1. Cynergy Diva

    Cynergy Diva Private E-2

    Ok, I'm not sure if I'm in the right part of the forum, as I wanted to say, and introduce myself as well as talk about my problem.

    I'm Kimberley from South Eastern Ontario. Housewife and mother to 3 grown kids my expertise lies far outside the computer realm. I'm hoping to get a little more insight into how things work on the computer so that I'll be able to troubleshoot problems more efficiently.

    I tried to look around the forum to see if there was a category for my problem but I didn't see one. I got a account because my Daughter and I are starting an online business, and we didn't want to use yahoo or gmail because allows you to pick a customised domain name. We thought yahoo, hotmail and gmail would look less proffessional. What's happening is this: I've been trying to log into the account and I keep getting the error message that I can't connect to the server. I had been logged in but my session timed out and since then I couldn't log back in. My daughter says she can log in fine on her computer.

    My browser is firefox 3 but I tried it with IE 8 as well and neither of those are working. The funny thing is Netscape allows me to log in just fine. I don't want to switch browsers so I'm hoping someone will be able to help me fix firefox. I am not technically inclined by any means, so whatever help is offered will have to be uncomplicated as I probably won't be able to follow it otherwise.

    Thank you very much.

  2. thesmokingun

    thesmokingun MajorGeek

    keep in mind, if you get your own domain name, on most domain sites, you also get an email (or multiple) account (including yahoo) for your problem accessing the site, i would clear out your temporary internet files. You can use CCleaner , or use the tab in your internet options control panel (for IE) and clear the files from there. In firefox, choose Clear private data in the tools menu.

    And, Welcome to Majorgeeks!
  3. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..
    You might want to try posting in the Software forum

    This is the welcome center for new members, so more people will see your post in software.

    Good luck.
  4. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    Welcome Diva, from a relatively close neighbour.:)
  5. Cynergy Diva

    Cynergy Diva Private E-2

    Thank you smokinggun for the help and the welcome.

    Yes, I've already tried the CCleaner and the tools tab to clear the cache. I'm totally stumped. I didn't know you could get a domain name with Yahoo. The only reason I'm using the option is because it's free and it'll tide us over until we settle on a permanent one that we'll register.
  6. Cynergy Diva

    Cynergy Diva Private E-2

    Thanks for the tip wildwolf I'm certain your siggie is true in my case.

    Auggiedoggie thank you very much for the welcome. What does all that mean in your signature?
  7. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    That is the hardware that I'm currently running with when I built my system last August.

    ASUS P5Q-Pro is the motherboard.

    Intel Q6600 is the quad-core CPU that I have and the extra overclocking that I did to make it run a bit faster, %10 for now.

    I have 2 1GB sticks of Buffalo(brand name) PC8500(speed) RAM, soon to be increased due to the extra demand that I want to put on my system.

    I also have 2 eVGA(brand name) 9800GT(type) video cards.

    The Antec Earthwatts 500W is my power supply.

    Main reason I have it in there is so that I don't have to retype things in case I have a problem. I could always change it to some witty or pithy or profound quote but I don't have one in mind at the moment. Anyways, I'm pretty lazy.rolleyes:-D

    I don't expect you to understand all that geek speak, but I'm sure if you stick around here long enough, you won't need a dictionary anymore.;) It does take time to learn, if you wish, but most don't have that luxury when trying to make a living at the same time, you just want it to work.

    I hope that you got some clarification from this.:)
  8. Cynergy Diva

    Cynergy Diva Private E-2

    Holy smokes that sounds impressive!

    By the way, I see you're in Mirabel. I'm originally from Montreal.
  9. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    a warm welcome to the forums :wave
  10. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    Same here, from Rosemont actually. Where I live now was my parent's cottage on the lake which has since been winterized and basement put in. Check out my profile for a nice summery view what with all this cold these days.:)
  11. Cynergy Diva

    Cynergy Diva Private E-2

    I tried to send you a message but I guess I can't until I've made 50 posts, and I couldn't figure out how to just make a comment on your page. You have some nice snaps of the lake.

    Do you know what the E - 2 is under my name? I guess everyone is assigned a rank and I know what a private is but I don't get the rest.
  12. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    Ya, 50 posts needed in order to keep out the spammers as they most likely don't have 50 posts worth of intelligence in them or the patience, basically a waste of their time which, of course, is the intent.:-D Probably the same requirement for posting in the profile. Thanks, I like the lake too.:)

    Many, if not most forums have some snazzy titles to correspond to the number of posts one makes, just ignore that as these are American military classifications, heck I wouldn't even know Canadian ones if they hit me in the face!:-D

    However, mine is a custom title that was bestowed upon me, you'll see a few of those around, usually funny but I'm quite humbled with mine. I didn't get it for tech knowledge either but just for common sense.

    Oh by the way, the co-owners of this site are "Major Attitude" and "Corporal Punishment" in keeping with the theme.
  13. frapper

    frapper Private First Class

    E-2 refers to an enlisted person's pay-grade in the American military. It roughly corresponds to rank.

  14. Cynergy Diva

    Cynergy Diva Private E-2

    Thanks Frapper; I appreciate the clarification

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