Audio driver issue, Emachines t2984 intel mb, d845gsvr , 82801db(ich4)

Discussion in 'Software' started by whiterican74, Sep 17, 2008.

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  1. whiterican74

    whiterican74 Private E-2

    Hi I'm having major issues here.. The e machines website and intel call for a real tek ac/97 audio device but thats not happening. The drivers actually cause my comp to shut down within about to minutes of logon.

    The board is according to cpuz an intel d845gvsr with a south bridge of 82801db (ich4) yet the driver located at intel does just as i said and e machines does not even support it with drivers, What the heck is that.

    i had to wipe my system clean do to some really anal bug in my comp. But al is cool now so here I am.

    Can you help?

    Sincerely white :confused
  2. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    I'm guessing your OS is XP.
    Start with your chipset driver:
    Chipset: INF Update Utility for 845 Chipset-Based Intel Desktop Boards

    Uninstall any audio drivers that you may have installed
    Then, try the audio driver from Intel again:
    Audio: Realtek* AC97 Audio Driver

    If that still causes your problem, uninstall the Realtek audio driver and give this a try.
    It is an eMachines audio driver and was recommended for your model, but I can't verify that it worked.
    It is a direct download .zip file.
    Extract the files, then double click the setup.exe
  3. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    Both EMachine and Gateway (actually the same company now) have incorrect drivers and system specs posted on their web sites fairly regularly. I'm not surprised the drivers they have posted aren't working. If muskie's steps above don't help, use the following info and attach an Everest report:
    (above instructions originally posted by MG member musksnipe... thanks muskie!)
  4. whiterican74

    whiterican74 Private E-2

    Thanks for the replies, I'll give it a go and see what happens.
  5. whiterican74

    whiterican74 Private E-2

    Thank you again for your help. But the Bios updates won't take hold. Unsupported for my system error. And the Real tek driver once again was making the comp. shut down. Yet this time the speakers popped like a smoke bomb. The t1140 driver I tried before to no avail.

    Attached you will find the Everest txt report. I had to look at it. Hard to comprehend it at the moment. But I saw under bios AMI. So i dl'd the AMI identification utility only to get told by it Intel. lets see. e machines provides no support. intels bios upgrades don't work. so what the flip is going on.

    There was a via ac/97 at one point working on this. But audio deck itself wouldn't. That's all i can remember before having to wipe the comp clean.

    Thank you for looking into this again this is very appreciated.

    Attached Files:

  6. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    I didn't suggest a BIOS driver. It was a chipset driver.
    Is this what you installed?
    Chipset: INF Update Utility for 845 Chipset-Based Intel Desktop Boards

    Wipe all audio drivers that you have installed. Check in Add/Remove Programs to find and remove them, and then check to be sure that their folders have been removed, too. If not delete them.
    Run CCleaner's Registry tool. CCleaner Slim

    Check that your BIOS is set for onboard sound enabled.
    Check that Windows Audio Service is started.

    Go to Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Services
    Scroll down the list of services until you find the Windows Audio service.
    Right click on it and choose Properties.
    Make sure it is set to Automatic and Start is checked.

    Your chipset looks OK, according to the Everest report. But install the driver, if you didn't already.

    According to Intel, the Realtek driver is the right one.
    Intel® Desktop Board D845GVSR Audio: Realtek* AC97 Audio Driver

    Make sure to tell us what your Device Manager shows after this install.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2008
  7. whiterican74

    whiterican74 Private E-2

    I tried the chipset update and everything you suggested however it still refuses to work. Actually refuses to accept the driver at all. even when i point it to the correct location. ALCXWDM.SYS So I don't know what to say. It's confusing to say the least. Does name of the driver need to be in caps like the
    the device manager requests although the I wouldn't think it necessary.

    Oh before I forget I did install the bios driver a long while back. I was just curious as to why everast showed an ami. well all things point to intel.

    Forgive me my ignorance with this particular computer my dell is much easier to work with. I am just getting t'd off because when you look in the audio driver folder that was placed there by e-machines it even specifies that they did not put one in. I wonder if that was because they new something was messed up.
  8. whiterican74

    whiterican74 Private E-2

    Found the driver. Turnouts out to be a viaac97 combo driver codec. It was a pain in the rear to find but It turns out that via and real tek are some where along the lines somewhat related.

    Via ac97 5.50a
    Thanks for your support, it was a further drive to get me to get this thing done.


    Can I upload the driver? So that others could use it as well, (Through MG) I am just not sure if that is allowed. The zip is 4mb
  9. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    Glad you found your driver.
    That is so weird that 2 different sources state your driver is Realtek, but in reality is a Via driver.
    There is no need to upload it, you did a good thing by putting your model number in the thread title. Anyone searching for that machine's audio should be brought here and to your link.
    Good job. :)
  10. whiterican74

    whiterican74 Private E-2

    thank you, I hope this helps a lot of people because it seems that particular board had a tremendous amount of complaint's when it came to the needed driver.

  11. stiller77

    stiller77 Private E-2

    i have same cpu and same problem...i downloaded that link you put up but after it does a "free" wants 29 bucks to fix the driver...i assumed this was all free...did you pay that?? please respond...driving me crazy
  12. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    Dunno what link you clicked on but on that link earlier its this one you need if indeed your missing driver is exactly the same one as Whiteican74 (is alot of adverts on that page so guess easy to click wrong one, but I just downloaded it and its free and actually direct from VIAs servers, which is a plus)
  13. stiller77

    stiller77 Private E-2

    yea i dont know what i clicked on but it downloaded some driver detective program and then wanted money....i searched google for the specific driver whiterican found and i found it at cnet...i downloaded it there and it worked! i have gone for almost a year without sound on my cpu because i couldnt figure this out...was ready to just buy a new cpu because i dont know anything about this lucky to come across site somehow and whiterican's saved me alot of headaches. whiterican's my new cpu hero! lol
  14. whiterican74

    whiterican74 Private E-2

    I am glad that my trials and tribulations with the audio drivers of this particular mother board help... It is strange. the difference... But I would recommend not allowing this system or driver installer program to update it. Did that once and had a major issue recovering the driver I posted here.


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