Hello Everyone!

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by EscapeCat, Mar 25, 2009.

  1. EscapeCat

    EscapeCat Private First Class

    I just wanted to say hello, but also ask a probably rather silly general question. :-o I know how to change the view of the posts in a thread, but I don't see an option that will have the newest posts at the bottom (instead of at the top) as that's the style with which I'm more familiar. If it's not changeable, I have no problem about that. ;)

    Also, it appears there is a time for being able to edit your posts. So I am not breaking any rules if I have to multiple post for some reason or another, right? (I don't mean spamming, though. :p) Just curious. :)
  2. BlackPhoenix

    BlackPhoenix Private First Class

    heya mate - welcome to the forums!

    ok, to change it to the way your used to click on user CP > then on the left click on 'edit options' under 'settings and options' then scroll down to 'Thread Display Mode' and change it from 'linear - newest first' to 'linear - oldest first'.

    and yes - as far as i know your not penalised too heavily for double posting - but its not advised, i know personally that most forums do frown on it, if you need to edit i would try to edit in the time alotted.

    hope this helps to answer your questions mate =D
  3. EscapeCat

    EscapeCat Private First Class

    Thank you, Black Phoenix! :) Much appreciated. I KNEW there had to have been a spot for that somewhere. The forum I frequent is VBulletin as well, but this one is set up a little differently. :p

    That's what I thought about the multiple posting. Thanks again, and it's great to meet ya! :)
  4. BlackPhoenix

    BlackPhoenix Private First Class

    haha, yeh mate don't worry about it - took me some fiddling to sort it when i signed up, but its all good once u do it =D
    and good to meet u to - allways love meeting new faces, keeps like interesting.

    PS: love your signature = haha, bus.

    have a nice nite mate =D
  5. EscapeCat

    EscapeCat Private First Class

    Hehe. Thanks! You, too!! :zzz
  6. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..
  7. KathyM

    KathyM Master Sergeant

    Welcome to the best forum ever!!!!!!!!!!! You will love it here:)
  8. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    Greetings, welcome to majorgeeks :wave
  9. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Hi and welcome. :)
  10. joey off the street

    joey off the street Lounge Lizard No.1

    Welcome to MGs. :wave
    Did you know that your user name is an anagram of Pete's caca? :-D
  11. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    @joey... I'm deducting 10 points from you for useless information... roflmao
  12. EscapeCat

    EscapeCat Private First Class

    LOL!!! roflmao Thanks for that, Joey. :-D

    And thank you, everyone for the nice welcome!!! :)
  13. EscapeCat

    EscapeCat Private First Class

    I apologize for double posting here, but I had a question for you. I just didn't want to start a new thread for what is likely a lame question. (And I don't have the ability to EDIT my old post.)

    I have posted two posts in my thread in the malware removal section, and they were immediately put into moderation. One, more than 12 hours ago I think. This hadn't been the case the last time I replied to the thread. So, I was wondering if it means I did something wrong on the forum and now my posts must be moderated? Or was it just a settings change for that forum to keep out spammers? Sorry to ask such a lame question. :confused:
  14. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

  15. EscapeCat

    EscapeCat Private First Class

    Thank you wild wolf. :) I've replied twice already to that post. Hmm.... My replies are still in moderation. :confused: Oh well, I'll just give it more time. Thanks anyway. :)
  16. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    I will let one of the mods know and they can sort it out for you;)
  17. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Your replies were caught by the filters because you are putting inline logs in your replies in stead of attaching the logs as you were directed to do.
  18. EscapeCat

    EscapeCat Private First Class

    @Tim....Oh, I'm sorry. I thought the first post in moderation I hadn't put any logs, attached or otherwise, and it still went into moderation. I know I did that with the second one, though. The avenger log. I'm sorry. :( I hadn't realized it had saved as a .txt file on my system until after I posted. I feel like an idiot.
  19. Goran.P

    Goran.P MajorGeek

  20. EscapeCat

    EscapeCat Private First Class

    Hi Goran!

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