iexplorer.exe and explorer.exe

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Shotglass, Apr 21, 2009.

  1. Shotglass

    Shotglass Private E-2

    I have read way too much on the net on iexplorer.exe and explorer.exe files. Too many opinions as to whether they are for real or malware etc. Looking for the answer as to if they are for real or not and how do I find out.
  2. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..
    They are both legit files if they are running from the correct location.
    sometimes malware can mimic the names of valid windows systems files or it may be infected.

    If you think you have a malware problem then see Here
  3. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    welcome to the forums :)
  4. joey off the street

    joey off the street Lounge Lizard No.1

    Hiya, Shotglass, welcome to MGs. :wave I think you are right to be concerned. I go nowhere that my AV doesn't tell me is safe. It's a great comfort to have this kind of defence in my arsenal. Too many times the kids have downloaded crap onto the PC and Muggins has to clean up. :mad
  5. KingSteve

    KingSteve MajorGeek

    iexplorer is internet explorer. explorer is the windows shell. where were you reading that these are malware??
  6. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    Example A Explorer.exe

    Example B iexplorer,exe
  7. KathyM

    KathyM Master Sergeant

    Love the name "Shotglass"!!! Welcome to MG's!!! Pour a shot for all of us!!!! or maybe a glass of :wine :-D
  8. Shotglass

    Shotglass Private E-2

    I have been the shotglass since my first CB in 1974. I collect them and have over 500 shotglasses, some going back to when they were called Flip Glasses.....and yes I have tested everyone of them!
  9. Shotglass

    Shotglass Private E-2

    I have googled these two exe's until I am blue in the face. Read them all and a lot of forums. A lot of the forums say they are and others reference what WildWolf220 said, it depends on where they are located. Can't get a straight answer on that one either.
  10. Shotglass

    Shotglass Private E-2

    I have googled these two exe's until I am blue in the face. Read them all and a lot of forums. A lot of the forums say they are and others reference what WildWolf220 said, it depends on where they are located. Can't get a straight answer on that one either.
  11. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    This should clear it up for you.


  12. KathyM

    KathyM Master Sergeant

    Bet that was fun!!!!:-D
  13. Shotglass

    Shotglass Private E-2

    Always looking for another untested one :)
  14. Shotglass

    Shotglass Private E-2

    Thank you going to take a look at all of it hopefully this weekend!
  15. Shotglass

    Shotglass Private E-2

    I hope this one stays on a while. I am going to cross every T and dot every I with it as soon as I can have a day by myself. My first look blew my mind but gotta try it. Thank you!
  16. Staghart

    Staghart Private E-2

    Are the Chinese related to the Vulcans? Anyway we all know they've proverbs aplenty. This I heard only yesterday:

    "Superstitions,... [As in,'Oh, that's just an old superstition.'],...

    "Superstitions is just a word the ignorant use who do not know the truth of things as they really are."
  17. chookers

    chookers Staff Sergeant

    Hmm, not sure if anyone has realised that this thread mentions iexploreR.exe as well as iexplore.exe... ;) The correct process for Internet Explorer is iexplore.exe and that may also partly account for why you're seeing conflicting information, Shotglass. If you come across iexploreR.exe then you can pretty much guarantee it shouldn't be there. But iexplore.exe in the right place is fine.

    Another reason for finding conflicting info is because virus writers use names of legitimate Windows programs and files to trick people and hope the victims don't notice the virus is there. So if you found you had two copies of explorer.exe running on your computer and one was in the Windows folder and one was in your Program Files folder, you'd be suspicious of the one in the Program Files folder because you should only find it in your Windows folder, on all versions of Windows I think but certainly on 2000 and XP.
  18. Shotglass

    Shotglass Private E-2

    chookers...good response. What I have now is iexplore.exe and explorer.exe running when I have Internet Explorer 6 open. I have cleaned things up pretty good. The CPU still spins a lot when I am on IE and always stops when I shut it down. So I am sure I still have something going on...but things are better. Interesting that it is not spinning while I am on this site but goes wild on others. Wildwolf 220 came up with some good stuff which I intend to try when I have the place alone for a while. Appreciate the response and help.
  19. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    As has been said before, it's normal to have iexplore.exe and explorer.exe both running.
    They are both running on my system for example.

    Do you think you have a malware problem?
    You could always go the the READ & RUN ME FIRST. Malware Removal Guide
    That way one of the experts here can check to see if you have a problem.
  20. Shotglass

    Shotglass Private E-2

    Thanks again! Everything seems okay now. Finally got some right answers from the folks on this site. I intend to take your advice as soon as I can, but being a small business owner I need to do it when it's just me hanging around and no interruptions. Do I suspect that I have malware? Can't say with confidence if I do or not, just want to be sure. We conduct the majority of our business on line with our customers using their programs to input data and I have never been convinced that their stuff is clean.
  21. He Lives

    He Lives Private E-2

    Then I take it not all (exe} are bad?
    How does one know the difference,like a green horn,
    That which I am?rolleyes
  22. dr.moriarty

    dr.moriarty Malware Super Sleuth Staff Member

  23. He Lives

    He Lives Private E-2

    Thank you,I understand that:)

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