Switching Monitor Inputs... =[

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by MagasCorada, Apr 20, 2009.

  1. MagasCorada

    MagasCorada Private E-2

    So I just want to first get it out there that I am very new to a lot of this. I'm god with some things with computers but I tend to fail in this area of extreme knowledge of whats going on.

    So first off here is my machine please don't judge it runs just fine for being 4 years old. =]

    AMD Sempron 3100+ (1.8 GHz)
    100 Gb SATA HDD
    512 Mb DDR SDRAM
    ATI Radeon 9550 Graphics Card

    So here's my dilemma. I just went out and bought a brand new Acer X233H 23" LCD monitor and installed it last Tuesday. Everything worked perfectly fine until Thursday when I found out I had 6 Viruses on my pc that AVG never saw coming. So after having to completely wipe my entire pc and lose about a years worth of information my monitor starts acting up. I've tried so many different things my brain hurts.

    I have my DVI running to my computer and my VGA running to an Xbox 360 which I use to game regularly. But every time I try to switch my inputs from the monitor to play my Xbox my computer looses connection to the monitor and when I go to switch it back my monitor screen goes black as if it's trying to cycle through the inputs but then goes right back to the VGA with my Xbox. When I turn my xbox off however my monitor tries again to cycle through the inputs but then it tells me "No Signal" and goes into hibernation.

    I'm so confused about this problem cause I've tried just about everything unless someone can tell me what to do on this site I'm at a loss and really going to be sad I can't use this new monitor to it's fullest like I used to be able too. Please help!
  2. collinsl

    collinsl MajorGeek

    how do you get the connection to your PC back normally?
  3. MagasCorada

    MagasCorada Private E-2

    i normally have to disconnect and reconnect the dvi cord or reboot the pc. i just figured out also that it works perfectly fine without the gpu drivers but as soon as those are loaded and installed it wont let me switch inputs again. the downfall of not having the drivers installed is that it wont display 1080p like it can. it only displays 1024 by 768 native =[.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2009
  4. collinsl

    collinsl MajorGeek

    Are you sure this is not caused by the PC power saving settings turning off the screen output after a set period of time?
  5. MagasCorada

    MagasCorada Private E-2

    Yeah I'm posotive because I have all of those turned off and I try to switch back the second I switch them and it still says no signal. It only does this when the Drivers for my ATI Radeon 9550 are installed (When I am running 1080p) other then that I only have 1024x768 and I can switch inputs just fine.
  6. MagasCorada

    MagasCorada Private E-2

    It also loses signal when I just turn the monitor off... I'm wondering is this more of a driver/software issue rather than a hardware issue at all?
  7. collinsl

    collinsl MajorGeek

    Can you manually select the in-use input port on your monitor?
  8. MagasCorada

    MagasCorada Private E-2

    Manually switching inputs from the monitor menu is the only way I can switch inputs.
  9. collinsl

    collinsl MajorGeek

    Okay, can you connect another computer to the monitor via DVI and see if the same thing occurs?
  10. MagasCorada

    MagasCorada Private E-2

    I can check and see... I don't think our other computer has a dvi cable...
  11. MagasCorada

    MagasCorada Private E-2

    Sorry for the double post but... yes it works perfectly fine with my sisters computer. She has an HP with an NVIDIA card in it... Unfortunately I can't find the box or anything for the PC or the GPU. Sorry.
  12. MagasCorada

    MagasCorada Private E-2

    Well and now for a triple post :-D lol I ended up finding out what is wrong with my graphics card. I found my original cd that came with it including a whole bunch of software that the new drivers didn't have. And now it works perfectly fine. Thanks for all the help!
  13. collinsl

    collinsl MajorGeek

    Glad you got it sorted, although I would never have expected something like this to happen due to drivers.
  14. MagasCorada

    MagasCorada Private E-2

    My monitor is acting up again... I had to update my version of XP and it updated all my drivers for my GPU now my monitor won't switch inputs again... Does anyone else have an Acer X233Hbid monitor and if you do what's your GPU setup? I'm running DVI and I'm having troubles with switching inputs because I won't get any signal from my PC after I switch to my Xbox360.
    (It basically goes into hibernate mode... and displays "No Signal")

    And yes all my power saving functions are off...

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