32 bit and/or 64 bit

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by CABOMA, Apr 28, 2009.


    CABOMA Private E-2

    I have a window xp pc and have the following question:

    What are the steps to ascertain, wheather your pc is 32 bit
    or 64 bit. ??

    Is this question a software or hardware questions?
  2. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Welcome to Major Geeks.
    It would be software, but I can't help you distinguish between them.
    Someone else may, and will, be along that could help.
    Enjoy your stay.
  3. bigtrucks

    bigtrucks MajorGeek

    :hyperWelcome to MajorGeeks forum:wave
    This is a good place as any to ask if you're not sure where to post
    If you tic Start > RUN > then type in >sysmsd.exe >tic OK the system info window should pop up. Look on the right side at processor. If it has X86=32bit >X64 = 64bit.
    Have a look around and enjoy the different forums. Just beware of the trouble maker known as JOTS.:-D
  4. joey off the street

    joey off the street Lounge Lizard No.1

    Welcome to MGs, CABOMA. :wave Why not have a look around the forums while you're here. There is a wide diversity of people here, from all walks of life and a range of ages.
    Take bigtrucks for example. She is our oldest member at 104 and in her spare time bigtrucks enjoys nothing better than pestering people who are superior in intellect to her. JOTS is, of course, one of these. :p
    Enjoy your stay, C, and hope to see you around the forums.
  5. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    Depends on whether you want to know if your PC is x64 compatible as to hardware, in that case the Hardware forum is best and attach a Everest log to your post in that part of the forum (guide to everest log and attaching below)

    If its checking if your windows version is x64, then XP x64 is not common for many to run, so just right click My Computer and choose Properties and it will state Windows x64 under the general tab.

    Everest log for hardware installed
    To find this info you can use the likes of Everest to find this info, at times a summary log of your PC can help, to do this

    Install Everest and run

    Not heard of that command in Windows before, where would you have found this?
  6. bigtrucks

    bigtrucks MajorGeek

    I'm so sorry:-o I was a lot more tired than I thought.That won't happen again.
    That was suppose to be winmsd.exe It was given to me in another forum web site.
  7. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi Bigtrucks,

    Its no issue, just not heard of that command for XP, winmsd.exe yes as its the System Info option, also just as another option typing at the run command box winver helps too.
  8. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    welcome to the forums :)
  9. KathyM

    KathyM Master Sergeant

    :wave welcome to MG's!!!
  10. bigtrucks

    bigtrucks MajorGeek

    Thanks! I'll write that down.:boxing right now I'm fighting with combofix and I'm not giving in.:major

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