
Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by cypher1, May 11, 2009.

  1. cypher1

    cypher1 Private E-2

    Hi i have just joined the site and would like to say a big hello to everyone on the site
  2. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Welcome to Major Geeks.
    Come on in. Might learn something and have some fun at the same time.
  3. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..
  4. Recycle Bin

    Recycle Bin Private First Class

    Hello, welcome to majorgeeks!
  5. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    A warm welcome to the forums :cool
  6. dyamond

    dyamond Imelda Marcos of Majorgeeks

    Welcome to MG's :wave
  7. joey off the street

    joey off the street Lounge Lizard No.1

    Hello, Cypher, welcome. :wave
    MajorGeeks prides itself on the calibre of personnel who frequent MajorGeeks. A very high standard has to be met when participating in the forums.
    Can't imagine how I'm still here. rolleyes
  8. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    Welcome to MG cypher1 :wave Glad to have ya ! Have a look around, and don't worry, these guys won't bite.. :-D ;)
  9. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Just a nip now and then.
  10. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    OK, a nip now and then is OK, as long as it doesn't include little birdies! :-D
  11. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Don't like spitting feathers out. You're safe.
  12. bigtrucks

    bigtrucks MajorGeek

    Welcome Cypher to the best forum around

    HEY! Everybody there's an impostor trying to be JOEY off the streets. Where's the the Cleaners. Where's the forum "coppers".:major:-D
    JOEY come back.:cry
    I can't tolerate this impostor:cry
  13. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    Whew, that was close! :-D You almost had me there ! ;)

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